

United Church of God, an International Association

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Large-Print Hymnal Lyrics

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association



Blest and Happy Is the Man

1. Blest and happy is the man who does never walk astray, Nor with the

ungodly men stands in sinners’ way.


All he does prospers well, but the wicked are not so; They are chaff before

the wind, driven to and fro.

2. Ne’er in scorner’s chair he sits, for he places his delight In God’s law and

meditates on it day and night.


All he does prospers well, but the wicked are not so; They are chaff before

the wind, driven to and fro.

3. He shall be a tree that grows, planted by the river’s side, Which in season

yields its fruit; green its leaves abide.


All he does prospers well, but the wicked are not so; They are chaff before

the wind, driven to and fro.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Psalm 1

1. Oh, blessed is the man who does not walk in wicked ways; Who will not

with the scoffers sit nor with the sinners stray. The law of the Eternal shall

be his true delight; He meditates upon it forever day and night.

2. He shall be like a tree that grows beside the flowing stream, Which yields

its fruit in season and whose leaf is always green, And all he does shall

prosper, unlike the wicked men, For they are like the chaff that is scattered

by the wind.

3. And when the day of judgment comes the wicked shall not stand, And from

God’s congregation then the sinner shall be banned; God watches o’er His

people, and guides all godly men, But wicked ways shall perish, and not be

seen again.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Trust in God and Stand in Awe

1. Hear and answer when I call, O righteous God. From distress You set me

free; hear now my prayer. O how men love vanity; falsehood they seek;

Turning glory into shame, they are misled.

2. O how long will sons of men love vanity? O how long love vain intrigues,

seek after lies? Trust in God and stand in awe, and cease to sin. Know that

God has set apart all godly men.

3. “O that we might see some good!” many will say; Only look and smile on

us, O righteous God! God has given me more joy than they all know; He

alone makes me to dwell safely in peace.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Give Ear Unto My Words, O Lord

1. Give ear unto my words, O Lord, my meditation weigh; Hear my loud cry,

my King, my God, for I to Thee will pray. Lord, Thou shalt early hear my

voice; I early will direct My prayer to Thee, and looking up, an answer will


2. For Thou art not a God who dost in wickedness delight; No evil shall abide

with Thee, nor fools stand in Thy sight. All evildoers Thou dost hate, cut

off shall liars be; The bloody and deceitful man abhorred is by Thee.

3. But I into Thy house will come in Thy abundant grace; And I will worship

in Thy fear toward Thy holy place. Because of watch ful enemies, O lead

me by Thy grace, And in Thy righteousness, Thy way make straight before

my face.

4. Let all who trust in Thee be glad, in shouts their praise proclaim; Thou

savest them; let all rejoice who love Thy holy name. For Lord, unto the

righteous man Thou wilt Thy blessing yield; With favor Thou wilt compass

him about as with a shield.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Turn, O God, and Save Me

1. O Lord God, rebuke me not in anger, Nor in hot displeasure chastise me, O

God. Be gracious, Lord, and show me Your mercy; Heal me, O God, for I

languish and ache.

2. O Lord God, how long are You in helping? Turn, O God, and save me;

deliver my soul, For Your great love, for the sake of Your mercies; For in

the grave there is no thought of You.

3. O Lord God, my bed is wet with weeping, And I faint with moaning

because of my foes. But God has heard; He has answered my prayer. My

foes shall turn, and shall be ashamed.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




How Excellent Is Thy Name!

1. How excellent in all the earth, Lord our Lord is Thy name! Who hast Thy

glory far advanced above the starry frame. From mouths of babes and

infants, Lord, strength by Thee is ordained, So that Thy enemies be

crushed; Thy vengeful foes restrained.

2. When I look up unto the heav’ns which Thine own fingers framed, Unto

the moon and to the stars, which were by Thee ordained; Then say I, what

is man that Thou should be mindful of him? Or what, the son of man, that

Thou so kind to him should be?

3. For Thou hast made him little less than the angels above; With glory and

with dignity; with honor crown’d his head. Appointed lord of all Thy

works, all things under his feet: All sheep and oxen, yea, and beasts that in

the field do stray.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




How Excellent In All the Earth

1. How excellent in all the earth, Eternal, is Thy name! Who hast Thy glory

far advanced above the starry frame. From mouths of infants and of babes

Thou hast a strength ordained, That adversaries should be stilled and

vengeful foes restrained.

2. When I look up unto the heav’ns which Thine own fingers framed; Unto

the moon, and to the stars, which were by Thee ordained; Then say I,

“What is man, that he remembered is by Thee, Or what the son of man, that

Thou so kind to him should be?”

3. For man a little lower than the angels hast Thou made; And placed a crown

of glory and of honor on his head. Appointed lord of all Thy works;

beneath him all things be, All flocks and herds, all beasts and birds, all

fishes of the sea.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




I Will Praise Thee, O Eternal!

1. I will praise Thee, O Eternal; I will show forth Thy great works! O Thou

Most High God, Eternal, I will sing praise to Thy name! But my foes shall

turn and stumble; at Thy presence they shall fall. The Eternal judges

rightly, and forever He will rule!

2. The Eternal lives forever; He destroys all wicked men; He removes their

name forever, and their mem’ry dies with them. But He judges all with

fairness; He will rule with equity; All who know His name shall trust Him;

He will not forsake His own.

3. To the Lord who dwells in Zion, sing to Him and praise His name! Tell His

deeds among the nations! Tell of all His glorious works! He avenges all His

people; He will not forget their cry. To the Lord who dwells in Zion, sing

to Him and praise His name!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Declare His Works to All Nations!

1. I will sing, O Most High, praises to Thy name with my whole heart! And

proclaim Thy wonders great; I will rejoice and exult in Thee! My foes fall

at Thy sight, for Thou hast maintained my cause and my cry; God will

judge from His throne; He shall remain forevermore!

2. God will rule up rightly, judge the world in righteousness. The oppressed

who seek Him, He will to them a refuge be. For the Lord will not forget

those who put their trust and confidence in Him. To the Lord sing His

praise; declare His works to all nations!

3. God Most High in Zion dwells; He will not forget His people; They declare

His great works, and He will not forget their cry. Rise, O Lord! Put them all

in fear! All the nations that forget that Thou art God. Judge them, Lord, in

Thy sight; let the nations know they are but men!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Who Shall Dwell On Thy Holy Hill?

1. O Eternal, who shall dwell in the temple of Thy grace? Who shall on Thy

holy hill have a fixed abiding place? He who walks in righteousness, all his

actions just and clear; He whose words the truth express, spoken from a

heart sincere.

2. He who ne’er with slandering tongue utters malice and deceit; Who will

ne’er his neighbor wrong, nor a sland’rous tale repeat. Who will claim no

usury, nor with bribes pollute his hand; He who thus shall frame his life,

shall unmoved forever stand.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




The Heavens God’s Glory Do Declare

1. The heav’ns God’s glory do declare, The skies His handiworks teach; Day

after day their speech pours forth, And knowledge, night after night. There

is no speech nor spoken word; Their voice is never heard; And yet their

voice spreads to all the earth, Their words to the ends of the world.

2. The heav’ns a tent for the sun He made, Which comes forth like a

bridegroom, Leaving his chamber glowing bright, To run his course with

joy. From heaven’s end its rising is, Its circuit to its ends; And there is

nothing from its heat, No, nothing is hidden thereof.

3. The law of God is a perfect law, For it converts the soul; Sure are the

sayings of our God, They make the simple wise. Statutes of God are right

and just, And do rejoice the heart; The Lord’s commandments are pure and

clear, And light to the mind they impart.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Most Perfect is the Law of God

1. Most perfect is the law of God, restoring those that stray; His testimony is

most sure, proclaiming wisdom’s way.

2. The precepts of the Lord are right; with joy they fill the heart; The Lord’s

commandments all are pure, and clearest light impart.

3. The fear of God is undefiled and ever shall endure; The statutes of the Lord

are truth and righteousness most pure.

4. The words which from my mouth proceed, the thoughts within my heart,

Accept, O Lord, for Thou my Rock and my Redeemer art.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




The Lord’s My Shepherd (Crimond)

1. The Lord’s my Shepherd; I’ll not want. He makes me down to lie in

pastures green; He leadeth me the quiet waters by.

2. My soul He doth restore again, And me to walk doth make within the paths

Of righteousness, e’en for His own name’s sake.

3. Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale, Yet will I fear none ill; for Thou

art with Me, and Thy rod and staff me comfort still.

4. My table Thou hast furnished In presence of my foes; my head Thou dost

With oil anoint, and my cup overflows.

5. Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me, and in God’s house

Forevermore my dwelling place shall be.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




The Lord is My Shepherd (Montgomery)

1. The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know; I feed in green pastures,

safefolded I rest; He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow, Restores

me when wand’ring, redeems when oppressed; Restores me when

wand’ring, redeems when oppressed.

2. Through the valley and shadow of death though I stray, Since Thou art my

Guardian no evil I fear; Thy rod shall defend me, Thy staff be my stay; No

harm can befall with my Comforter near; No harm can befall with my

Comforter near.

3. In the midst of affliction my table is spread; With blessings unmeasured my

cup runneth o’er; With perfume and oil Thou anointest my head; Oh, what

can I ask of Thy providence more? Oh, what can I ask of Thy providence


4. O surely Thy goodness and mercy, O God, Shall follow my steps all the

days of my life; Shall follow my steps all the days of my life, And I will in

Thy house forevermore dwell; And I will in Thy house forevermore dwell.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




The Lord’s My Shepherd (Havergal)

1. The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want; He makes me down to lie, In

pastures green; He leadeth me the quiet waters by.

2. My soul He doth restore again, and me to walk doth make Within the paths

of righteousness, e’en for His own name’s sake.

3. Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale, yet will I fear none ill; For Thou

art with me, and Thy rod and staff me comfort still.

4. My table Thou hast furnished in presence of my foes; My head Thou dost

with oil anoint, and my cup overflows.

5. Goodness and mercy all my life shall surely follow me, And in God’s

house forevermore my dwelling place shall be.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




My Shepherd Will Supply My Need

1. My Shepherd will supply my need; Eternal is His name. In pastures fresh

He makes me feed, Beside the living stream. He brings my wand’ring spirit

back, When I forsake His ways; And leads me, for His mercy’s sake, In

paths of truth and grace.

2. When I walk through the shades of death Thy presence is my stay; One

word of Thy supporting breath Drives all my fears away. Thy hand, in sight

of all my foes, Doth still my table spread; My cup with blessings

overflows, Thine oil anoints my head.

3. The sure provisions of my God Attend me all my days; O may Thy house

be my abode, And all my work be praise. There would I find a settled rest,

While others go and come; No more a stranger, nor a guest, But like a child

at home.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




To Thee I Lift My Soul

1. To Thee I lift my soul; I trust Thee, O my God; Let me not be ashamed, nor

let my foes triumph o’er me. Let none that wait on Thee, be put to shame at

all, But those that without cause transgress, let shame upon them fall.

2. Show me Thy ways, O Lord; O teach Thou me Thy paths; And in Thy truth

lead me Thyself, therein my teacher be. For Thou art God that dost to me

salvation send; And I upon Thee all the day, expecting, do attend.

3. Thy tender mercies, Lord, remember, pray I Thee, And lovingkindnesses,

for they have ever been of old. My sins and faults of youth do Thou, O

Lord, forget, After Thy mercy, think on me, and for Thy goodness great.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Our God Is Good and Upright

1. Our God is good and upright; the way He’ll sinners show. The meek in

judgment He will guide and make His paths to know. The whole paths of

the Lord are truth and mercy sure To those that keep His covenant and

testimonies pure.

2. Now, for Thine own name’s sake, O Lord, I Thee entreat To pardon mine

iniquity, for it is very great. What man is he that fears the Lord and doth

Him serve? Him shall He teach of His own way, the way that he should


3. His soul shall dwell at ease, and his posterity Shall flourish still, and of the

earth inheritors shall be. With those that fear Him is the secret of the Lord;

The knowledge of His covenant He will to them afford.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Mine Eyes Upon the Lord (Continually Are Set)

1. Mine eyes upon the Lord continually are set; For He it is that shall bring

forth my feet out of the net. Turn unto me Thy face, and to me mercy show,

Because that I am desolate and am brought very low.

2. My heart’s griefs are increased; relieve me from distress; See mine

affliction and my pain, and all my sins forgive; Consider Thou my foes,

because they many are, And it a cruel hatred is which they against me bear.

3. O do Thou keep my soul, do Thou deliver me, And let me never be

ashamed because I trust in Thee; Let uprightness and truth keep me, who

Thee attend. Redemption, Lord, to Israel from all his troubles send.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




They Are Blest Who Are Forgiven

1. They are blest who are forgiven, to whom God imputes no sin; Who go to

the Eternal, and confess to Him their sins; Whose iniquities are covered,

whom the Lord does instruct, Saying, “I will direct you in the way that you

should go.”

2. Many sorrows have the wicked, who know not the way of God. Be not as

mules or horses which are held by bridles strong, But be glad in the Eternal,

and rejoice all you just; Shout for joy all you upright, in whose spirit is no


3. Day and night God’s hand was on me, and I groaned till I confessed. My

sins I laid before Him; quickly He forgave them all. Ev’ry godly one shall

pray thus, while the Lord may be found; So be glad all you upright; all you

righteous, shout for joy!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Blessed Is the Nation God Is For

1. Blessed is the nation God is for, and the people He has chosen; For God

looks down from heav’n above, and from there beholds all nations. From

His place above He looks on all; He sees their ev’ry doing; He sees their

sin, He sees their works; He beholds all of those who fear Him.

2. O you righteous in the Lord, rejoice, songs of praise befit the upright; Play

skillfully upon the strings, sing to Him a joyful new song. For the Word of

God is right and just, all His works are true and faithful; His lovingkindness

fills the earth, for He loves righteousness and justice.

3. By the Word of God the heav’ns were made, waters of the sea He gathered.

In storage places laid the deeps, let all the earth revere Him. Let the people

stand in awe of Him, for He spoke and earth existed. When He commanded

it stood fast; by His word were the heav’ns created.

4. Kings will not be saved by armies great, nor a mighty man delivered; Not

one is saved by his own strength, nor by some other power. But the eyes of

God are on the just, those who fear and worship Him; Who wait for Him,

who hope for Him, those who trust in the God of Isr’el.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




I Will Bless the Lord At All Times

1. I will bless the Lord at all times, And His praise shall fill my mouth. Let us

praise His name together; magnify the Lord with me.

2. Blessed is the one who trusts Him; all His saints shall fear the Lord. Those

who seek Him shall lack nothing; taste and see that He is good.

3. Children, listen to instructors, those who tell you, “Fear the Lord.” Keep

your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from speaking guile.

4. God delivers from afflictions; He will hear our troubled cries. He redeems

His faithful servants; seek the refuge of the Lord.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Turn Thou From Evil

1. Turn thou from evil, do what is good; seek peace, pursue it earnestly. Upon

the just are the eyes of God; His ears are open unto their cry. But the

Eternal’s face is against those who are evil, doers of wrong; He cuts

remembrance off from them, cuts their remembrance from the earth.

2. When righteous men cry, God always hears, for He delivers them from

fears. Near unto them of a broken heart, contrite of spirit, God saveth them.

Many afflictions that we do have, troubles there be of righteous men; But

the Eternal delivereth out from afflictions the righteous man.

3. Turn thou from evil, do what is good; seek peace, pursue it earnestly. God

keeps the bones of the righteous man; not one of them shall broken be. Evil

shall slay all unrighteous men; who hates the pure shall desolate be; But

God redeemeth the soul that’s His; none shall be desolate trusting Him.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Wait and Hope and Look For God

1. Envy not nor fret yourself over evil, lawless men; They like grass soon fade

away and wither like a flow’r. Trust in the Eternal God, do the right and

loyal be; So will you dwell peacefully and truly shall be fed.

2. Put your confidence in God, and your way to Him commit; He shall give

you your desires, the petitions of your heart. Rest in the Eternal God,

patiently upon Him wait; Envy not nor fret yourself because of evil men.

3. Cease from anger, cease from wrath, for all such shall be cut off; Wait and

hope and look for God; be still and trust in Him. Soon the wicked shall not

be, and his place shall not be found; So shall you delight yourself in peace


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Righteous Judge

1. Righteous Judge, from foes defend me, who deceitful charges lay; God, my

strength, my soul deliver, and my treach’rous foes dismay; O send out Thy

light and truth; let them lead and guide me still; Let them bring me to Thy

dwelling; lead me to Thy holy hill.

2. Then will I come to Thine altar, God of my exceeding joy; And with lyre

will I sing praises; unto God, my God I’ll sing! Why art thou, my soul, cast

down; why art thou disquieted? I shall yet have hope and praise Him; unto

God shall I give praise!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O God, We Have Heard

1. O God, we have heard and our fathers have taught The works which of old

in their day Thou hast wrought; The nations were crushed and expelled by

Thy hand; Cast out that Thy people might dwell in their land.

2. They gained not the land by the edge of the sword; Their own arm to them

could no safety afford; But by Thy right hand, O my Savior and King,

Command and Thy word shall deliverance bring!

3. No trust will I place in my bow to defend, Nor yet on my sword for my

safety depend; In God who has saved us and put them to shame, We boast

all the day, ever praising His name!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




God Is Our Refuge

1. God is our refuge and our strength, in straits a present aid; Therefore

although the earth remove, we will not be afraid.

2. Though hills amidst the seas be cast; though waters roaring make, And

troubled be; yea though the hills by swelling seas do shake.

3. A river is, whose streams make glad the city of our God; The holy place,

wherein the Lord Most High has His abode.

4. God in the midst of her doth dwell, and nothing shall her move; The Lord

to her an helper will, and that right early, prove.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Come See the Works of God

1. O God, our strength and refuge proves, in all distress a present aid; Though

the trembling earth remove, we will never be dismayed. Kingdoms moved,

the nations raged, and the earth melted at His Word; The Lord of hosts for

us engaged, our refuge high is Jacob’s God.

2. A river flows, whose living streams gladden the city of our God; Tents

where heavenly glory beams, where the Lord has His abode. God has Zion

His dwelling made; she shall nevermore be moved; Her God shall early

give His aid; He her help has ever proved.

3. Come, see the works of God displayed, wonders of His mighty hand;

Desolations He has made, ruins spread through all the land. “Be still, know

I am God Most High; o’er the nations I will reign.” The Lord of hosts to us

is nigh; Jacob’s God our help remains.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Mount Zion Stands Most Beautiful

1. The Lord Eternal is most great and greatly to be praised! Within the city of

our God, upon His holy hill. Mount Zion stands most beautiful, the joy of

all the land! The city of the mighty King doth on her north side stand.

2. Within her palaces our God is for a refuge known; For lo, the kings

assembled, together they did come. When they beheld it all amazed, they

fled in great dismay; And being troubled at Thy sight, they thence did haste


3. As we have heard, we saw within the city of our God, The city which the

Lord of hosts established evermore. We of Thy loving-kindness thought, in

Thy most holy place; O God, according to Thy name, Thy praise fills all

the earth!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Give Thanks and Offer Praise

1. Hear, O My people, and I’ll speak, O Israel by name; Against you I will

testify, for God, your God, I am. The fowls are all to Me well-known, that

mountains high do yield; I also claim as all My own the wild beasts of the


2. Sing joyful songs to God Most High; give thanks and offer praise; And

when the day of trouble comes, I’ll hear and answer you. Think you that I

would eat of flesh, or ask for sacrifice? But rather unto Me, your God, give

thanks and offer praise.

3. But to the wicked man God says, “Why mention My commands? Why take

My cov’nant on your lips, and cast My words behind?” He glorifies My

name who brings the sacrifice of praise: I’ll show salvation unto him who

orders right his ways.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




In Thy Lovingkindness, Lord

1. In Thy lovingkindness, Lord, be merciful to me; In compassion great blot

out all iniquity. Wash me thoroughly from sin, from all guilt cleanse Thou

me; For transgressions I confess; sins I ever see.

2. ‘Gainst Thee only have I sinned, done evil in Thy sight, That Thou

speaking may be just, and in judging right. My iniquities blot out, my sin

hide from Thy view, And in me a clean heart make, spirit right renew.

3. From Thy gracious presence, Lord, O cast me not away, And Thy Holy

Spirit take not from me I pray. Joy which Thy salvation brings again to me

restore; With Thy Spirit free do Thou keep me evermore.

4. Sacrifice dost Thou not want, else would I give it Thee, And with offering

shalt Thou not delighted be. For a broken spirit is to God a sacrifice, And a

broken, contrite heart, Thou wilt not despise.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Save Me, O God, By Thy Great Name

1. Save me, O God, by Thy great name and judge me by Thy strength. My

prayer hear and to my words, O God, give ear to me. For they that strangers

are to me, do up against me rise; Oppressors who care not for God but seek

to take my life.

2. The mighty God my Helper is; lo, therefore I am bold. He taketh part with

ev’ry one, that doth my soul uphold. To all my watchful foes He will their

evil deeds repay; O for Thy truth’s sake cut them off and take them all


3. A freewill off’ring I to Thee will bring in sacrifice. Lord, of Thy name, for

it is good; Thy praises will I sing. Because He hath delivered me from all

adversities; And His desire mine eye hath seen, upon mine enemies.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




But As for Me. I’ll Call On God

1. ‘Twas not a foe who did deride, for that I could endure; No hater thus who

rose in pride, else would I hide secure. But thou it was my friend and guide;

we did as equals meet; We walked to God’s house side by side, and counsel

blended sweet.

2. His speech more smooth than butter was, yet in his heart was war; More

soft than oil his words appear, yet sharp as drawn swords were they. But

Lord Thou will in judgment sit and bring them down to woe; And in the

deep and darksome pit, in ruin lay them low.

3. Death shall them seize, and to the tomb, alive they shall go down; For

wickedness is in their home; among them abound their sins. But as for me,

I’ll call on God; the Lord will safety give: He’ll hear me when I cry aloud,

at morning, noon and night.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Give Ear Unto My Prayer, O God

1. Give ear unto my prayer, O God, from earth’s far end I call; And lead me to

the Rock to rest that higher is than I. For You have been a shelter and a fort

against the foe; O let me in Your dwelling place abide forevermore.

2. My God has heard my vows and granted righteous heritage; The share for

those who trust in Him and fear His holy name. Let God prolong the true

king’s life; forever let Him reign! That He may sit before our God,

enthroned in righteousness.

3. When I was faint I cried to God, and He did hear my prayer; For He has

been my dwelling place; a shelter from the foe. And so will I forevermore

sing praises to His name! Sing praises to His name fore’er, and daily pay

my vows.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




God Is My Rock, My Salvation

1. God is my rock, my salvation, my hope; My soul in silence waits for my

God alone; He is my fort; I shall not be removed; He is my refuge, my high

tower of strength. How long will men take pleasure in sin? They plot and

threaten the life of the king.

2. Vain men are they, delighting in craft; Their lips they bless with, but they

curse inwardly; Low men or high, both are less than a breath; Trust and

rely not on extortion and gain. Rescue shall come from my God alone, And

I shall never be greatly removed.

3. Still, O my soul, wait in silence for God; My hope and refuge is in my God

alone; He is my Rock, my salvation and strength; With God alone shall my

deliverance be. Kindness and pow’r belong to our God; He shall reward

ev’ry man for his works.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Joyfully Sing and Praise God!

1. Joyfully sing and praise God, all the earth sing forth His praise! Glory and

honor give Him, sing homage to His name! Say now to God, “How dread

Your works, how awesome are Your deeds! So great Your pow’r Your foes

submit, all the earth worships You!”

2. O come, and see His great works, among men how dread His deeds! He

turned the sea to dry land and the multitudes passed thru. So let us all

rejoice in Him, who by His pow’r e’er rules; Whose eyes observe and

nations watch; none shall exalt himself.

3. O bless our God, you peoples, make His praises to be heard! Give unto

Him your grateful thanks who has kept us safe in life; And not allowed our

feet to slip, tho’ You have tested us, Tho’ we were captured by our foes;

yet have You set us free.

4. So will I come before my God, I will pay my vows to Him; Vows which

my lips have spoken, which I promised when distress’d. All you who fear

Him, come and hear, come you who worship Him; I will declare what God

has done, what He has done for me!

5. I called to God and cried out, I extolled Him with high praise; Had I of sin

been thinking, surely God would never hear. But God indeed has heard my

pray’r; blessed be God who hears; He has not checked my pray’r to Him,

nor His own love to me.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O God, Forsake Me Not

1. Eternal God, my hope and refuge, Thou art my Rock and fortress; O God,

incline Thine ear to me; save me from the unjust man. Thou art my help

and trust, O Lord; my praise shall always be to Thee; My mouth is filled

with praise and glory; O God, forsake me not!

2. Eternal God, be not far from me! O God, make haste to help me! I’ll hope

and praise Thee more and more; I will tell of Thy great works. Lord, when

I’m old forsake me not; my enemies against me plan; They say, “His God

will not protect him;” O God, forsake me not!

3. Eternal God, our great Creator, Thy justice reaches heaven; Thou who hast

shown me many trials, Thou shalt give me life once more. My lips will

shout for joy, O God, when I sing songs of praise to Thee; Thou Holy One

who hast redeemed me, O God, forsake me not!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




For Even From My Youth, O God

1. For even from my youth, O God, by Thee have I been taught; And hitherto

I have declared the wonders Thou hast wrought. And now, O God, forsake

me not, when I am old and gray; Till I proclaim Thy wondrous deeds to this

and ev’ry age.

2. Thy perfect righteousness, O God, the heaven’s height exceeds; O God,

who is like Thee, who has performed such mighty deeds? Thou, who hast

shown me trials sore and great adversities, Will quicken me again and bring

me from the depths of earth.

3. My greatness and my pow’r Thou will increase and far extend; Against all

grief on ev’ry side, to me will comfort send. And I will also praise Thy

truth, O God, with psaltery; Thou Holy One of Israel, with harp I’ll sing to


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




His Name is Great!

1. In Judah God is known and feared; in Israel His name is great; His tent in

Salem He hath reared; His royal seat in Zion hath made. There He broke

arrows of the bow, the shield, the sword and war’s array; More excellent, O

Lord, art Thou, more glorious far than hills of prey.

2. The stout of heart are spoiled in fight; a deadly sleep the warrior slept; No

hand of all the men of might its wonted strength or cunning kept. O Jacob’s

God, at Thy command, the chariot and the horse went down; For Thou art

fearful; who can stand, in the tempest of Thy frown?

3. From heaven God His judgment gave; the trembling earth stood still and

feared; When all the meek on earth to save, for righteous judgment God

appeared. Let all around their presents bring to Him whom all the world

should fear; He cuts off princes; God the King fearful to earth’s kings shall


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O Thou the Shepherd of Israel Art

1. O Thou the Shepherd of Israel art; Hear Thou our prayer and Thy favor

impart; Thou leader of Joseph, Thou guide of his way, ‘Mid cherubim

dwelling Thy glory display. In Ephraim’s, Manasseh’s and Benjamin’s

sight, Come Thou and save us; awake in Thy might.

2. How long in anger will Thou turn away, O Lord of hosts, when Thy people

do pray? With tears and sorrow their table is laid; Of bitter mixture their

drink hast Thou made. Give us Thy favor, restore us Thy grace; Then we

shall live in the light of Thy face.

3. Thou made us a scorn to our neighbors around; Our foes in laughter and

scoffing abound. O Thou, God of Isr’el, return unto Thine; Look down

from heaven and visit this vine; No more shall we wander, delighting in

shame; Save us, O Lord, for we call on Thy name.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Thou Shepherd That Dost Israel Keep

1. Thou Shepherd that dost Israel keep, give ear in time of need, Who leadest

like a flock of sheep Thy loved one, Joseph’s seed. That sit’st between the

cherubs bright, between their wings outspread, Shine forth, and from Thy

cloud give light, and on our foes Thy dread.

2. In Ephraim’s and in Benjamin’s view and in Manasseh’s sight, Awake Thy

strength, come and be seen to save us by Thy might. Turn us again Thy

grace divine, to us, O God, vouchsafe; Cause Thou, Thy face on us to

shine, for then we shall be safe.

3. Lord God of hosts, how long wilt Thou, how long wilt Thou declare Thy

smoking wrath, and angry brow, against Thy people’s prayer? Return to us

Thy grace divine, O God of hosts, vouchsafe; Cause Thou, Thy face on us

to shine, for then we shall be safe.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Praise the Eternal With A Psalm!

1. Praise the Eternal with a psalm; sing to the God of Jacob; Raise the chorus,

make a joyful noise; bring out the harp and timbrel. Blow on the trumpet,

sound the drum, on our solemn feast day; This is a statute and a law which

God has ordained for Isr’el.

2. “Hear, O My people, hear My voice; I will admonish Isr’el; You shall have

no other, foreign gods; I am the God who freed you. When you were

troubled you did call; I delivered Isr’el.” God answer’d in the secret place;

with thunder He did command them.

3. “I am the God who brought you out, out from the land of Egypt; Hear, O

Isr’el, open wide your mouth; I surely then will fill it.” But Israel would not

heed God; they would have their own ways; O, if they only had obeyed,

their God would have surely freed them.

4. Praise the Eternal with a psalm; sing to the God of Jacob; Raise the chorus,

make a joyful noise; bring out the harp and timbrel. Blow on the trumpet,

sound the drum, on our solemn feast day; This is a statute and a law which

God has ordained for Isr’el.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Sing Songs of Praise to Him!

1. Praise the Eternal with a psalm; sing songs of praise to Him! Play on the

timbrel and the harp, and make a joyful noise! This is a statute and a law

God has ordained for us, In the appointed time to keep; this do on God’s

most solemn feast!

2. Blow on the trumpet; sing a psalm; make joyful noise to God! He has

delivered us from sin, saved us from Egypt’s land! We cried to God in

bondage there; God heard and answered us; From thunderclouds He

answered us: “Hear, O My people, hear My words!”

3. But His own people would not hear; they would not hear His voice; They

only wanted their own way, following their own hearts. “O that My people

would obey, walking in all My ways! I should have soon delivered them,

turned My hand against their foes!”

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O Lord of Hosts, My King, My God!

1. O Eternal, Lord of hosts, how my heart cries out for Thee; How my soul

longs for Thy courts and for Thy tabernacles dear. As the sparrow finds a

home, as the swallow finds a nest, Blest are those who dwell with Thee, O

Lord of hosts, my King, my God!

2. In Thy house, Lord, all are blest; they shall ever sing Thy praise! Blest and

happy is the man whose strength is in the Lord his God. They all go from

strength to strength; all appear before their God; God of Jacob, hear my

prayer, O Lord of hosts, my King, my God!

3. Now behold, O God, our shield, look on Thine anointed ones; Hear my

prayer, O Lord of hosts; O God of Jacob, now give ear; Better one day in

Thy house than a thousand days without; Better one day in Thy house, O

Lord of hosts, my King, my God!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings

1. How lovely are Thy dwellings, O Eternal Lord of hosts! My soul is

longing, fainting, for Thee, O living God. Yea, the bird has found its home,

built a nest to lay her young; O that I may find Thine altars, my Lord, my

King, my God!

2. How lovely are Thy dwellings, O Eternal Lord of hosts! For those who

dwell in Thy house shall ever sing Thy praise! Blest and happy is the man,

who has found his strength in Thee; He is stronger day by day, and shall in

Zion dwell!

3. How lovely are Thy dwellings, O Eternal Lord of hosts! Give ear unto my

prayer, O God of Israel; For a day with Thee is better than a thousand other

days; O that I may find Thine altars, my Lord, my King, my God!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




How Long, Eternal, Hide Thou Away?

1. How long, Eternal, hide Thou away? When will Thy wrath not burn like a

fire? Wherefore hast Thou made all men in vain? Thou, God, remember,

fleeting is life.

2. What man can live and never see death? Who can escape the pow’r of the

grave? Where is the former love, O my God? Which unto David, Thou hast


3. Recall, Eternal, Thy slave is scorned; Now I do bear insults of the world,

Wherewith Thy foes mock Thy chosen ones; Blessed Eternal, always,


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Zion, Founded on the Mountains

1. Zion, founded on the mountains, God, thy Maker, loves thee well; He has

chosen thee, most precious, He delights in thee to dwell; God’s own city,

God’s own city Who can all thy glory tell?

2. Many lands and many peoples soon shall come the Lord to know; Nations

born again in Zion Shall the Lord’s salvation show; God Almighty, God

Almighty Shall on Zion strength bestow.

3. When the Lord shall count the nations, sons and daughters He shall see,

Born to endless life in Zion And their joyful song shall be. “Blessed Zion,

blessed Zion, All our fountains are in thee.”

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O God, Our Help in Ages Past

1. O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, Our shelter from

the stormy blast, and our eternal home.

2. Before the hills in order stood, or earth received her frame, From

everlasting Thou art God, to endless years the same.

3. A thousand ages in Thy sight are like an evening gone; Short as the watch

that ends the night before the rising sun.

4. O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, Be Thou our

guard while troubles last, and our eternal home.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




How Good It Is to Thank the Lord

1. How good it is to thank the Lord, and to Thy name our praises sing, And to

proclaim Thy steadfast love each day and declare Thy faithfulness by night.

Sing to the music of the lute, and with a solemn sound upon the lyre; For

all Thy works have made me glad, O Lord, and of Thy deeds will I sing!

2. Great are Thy works, Eternal Lord; deep are Thy thoughts, O Thou Most

High; Foolish and senseless men will never know, nor will understand Thy

ways. Though the wicked sprout as grass, and evildoers flourish for awhile;

They shall all be uprooted and destroyed, while Thou art evermore


3. Good men shall flourish like the palm; strong as a cedar shall they be; For

they are planted in God’s house, and they shall grow within His courts.

Even in age shall they bear fruit; rich and green they ever shall be; For our

God is faithful evermore, our Rock and righteous God!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Sabbath Song

1. How good it is to thank Him and to God’s name sing praise. Proclaim His

love each morning, His faithfulness by night. Sing to the music of the lute,

play solemnly the lyre. Rejoice we in His presence, before our God and


2. The Most High God we praise Him; we thank Him for His deeds. Though

others may reject Him, His ways they never see. For wickedness springs up

as grass and flourishes awhile. Yet all shall be uprooted, while God is

evermore high.

3. The righteous He will strengthen; they flourish in His care. They in His

house are planted and in His courts are known. So shall they bear

abundantly, their fruit matures with age. He is our Rock and Anchor, our

good and righteous Lord.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




It is Good to Sing Thy Praises

1. It is good to sing Thy praises and to thank Thee, O Most High. Showing

forth Thy lovingkindness when the morning lights the sky. It is good when

night is falling of Thy faithfulness to tell, While with sweet, melodious

praises songs of adoration swell.

2. Thou hast filled my heart with gladness through the works Thy hands have

wrought; Thou hast made my life victorious, great Thy works and deep Thy

thought. Thou, O Lord on high exalted, reignest evermore in might; All

Thy enemies shall perish, sin be banished from Thy sight.

3. But the good shall live before Thee, planted in Thy dwelling place, Fruitful

trees and ever verdant, nourished by Thy boundless grace. In Thy goodness

to the righteous, God, Thy righteousness display; God, my Rock, my

strength and refuge, just and true are all Thy ways.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O Come and Let Us Worship Him

1. O come, let us in songs to God, our cheerful voices raise; In joyful shouts

let us the Rock of our salvation praise! Before His presence let us come

with praise and thankful voice; Let us sing psalms to Him with grace, and

make a joyful noise!

2. For God, a mighty God and King, above all gods He is; The depths of earth

are in His hand, the strength of hills is His. To Him the spacious sea

belongs, for He the same did make; The dry land also, from His hands, its

form at first did take.

3. O come, and let us worship Him, let us bow down withal; And on our

knees, before the Lord, our Maker, let us fall. Because He only is our God,

and we His people are; And of His pasture, we are sheep, in His almighty


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord

1. O come, let us sing to the Lord; come, let us ev’ryone A joyful noise make

to the Rock of our salvation. Let us before His presence come with praise

and thankful voice; Let us sing psalms to Him with grace, and make a

joyful noise.

2. For God, a great God and great King above all gods He is. Depths of the

earth are in His hand, the strength of hills is His. To Him the spacious sea

belongs, for He the same did make; The dry land also from His hands its

form at first did take.

3. O come and let us worship Him, let us bow down withal, And on our knees

before the Lord our Maker let us fall. For He and He alone is God, and we

His people are, And of His pasture we are sheep, the flock under His care.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




The Lord Eternal Reigns!

1. The Lord Eternal reigns! Let us rejoice! Let all the multitudes of earth be

glad! Dark clouds surround Him and fire goes before; Like wax the

mountains melt at His return.

2. His lightnings bare the earth; men see and shake! His high authority

heavens proclaim! All those who idols serve shall be ashamed. Judah

rejoices and Zion is glad!

3. Our God is far above all other gods! He is exalted above all the earth! He

will preserve His saints, those who love Him; Rejoice you righteous and

give thanks to God!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O Sing a New Song to the Lord

1. O sing a new song to the Lord, for wonders He hath done; His right hand

and His holy arm the victory hath won. The Lord God His salvation hath

caused it to be known; His justice in the nations’ sight He openly hath


2. He mindful of His grace and truth to Israel’s house hath been; The great

salvation of our God all ends of earth have seen. Let all the earth sing to the

Lord and make a joyful noise, Lift up your voice aloud to Him, sing praises

and rejoice.

3. With harp, with harp and voice of psalms, unto our great God sing; With

trumpets, cornets, gladly sound before the Lord the King. Let seas and all

their fullness roar; the world and dwellers there; Let floods clap hands and

let the hills together joy declare.

4. O sing a new song to the Lord, for wonders He hath done; His right hand

and His holy arm the victory hath won. Rejoice before Almighty God, to

judge the earth comes He; He’ll judge the world with righteousness, His

folk with equity.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Sing Praises and Rejoice!

1. O sing a new song to the Lord, for wonders He hath done! His right hand

and His holy arm, Him victory hath won! The Lord, His salvation, hath

caused it to be known; His justice in the nations’ sight, He openly hath


2. He mindful of His grace and truth to Isr’el’s house hath been; The great

salvation of our God all ends of the earth hath seen! Let all the earth unto

the Lord send forth a joyful noise; Lift up your voice aloud to Him; sing

praises and rejoice!

3. With harp, with harp and voice of psalms, O sing unto the Lord! With

trumpets, cornets, gladly sound before the Lord the King. Let seas and all

their fullness roar, the world and dwellers there; Let floods clap hands and

let the hills together joy declare!

4. O sing a new song to the Lord, for wonders He hath done! His right hand

and His holy arm, Him victory hath won! Rejoice, ye hills, before the Lord;

to judge the earth comes He! He’ll judge the world with righteousness, His

folk with equity.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Holy, Mighty Majesty!

1. The Eternal reigneth high above; He is mighty, He is great! There between

the cherubim He sits; let the people praise His name! He is King and He

maintains the right; He restoreth equity; Worship and exalt the Eternal

One! Holy, Mighty Majesty!

2. The Eternal One is God and King, and He spoke unto His priests; In the

pillar of the cloud He spoke, unto them who kept His law. Moses is among

them, Aaron too; they extolled the Lord their God. Samuel also called upon

His name; God did hear, and answered them.

3. O Eternal, You did answer them; You forgave and You avenged; So, exalt

the One Eternal God, who in Zion is most great! He is King and He

maintains the right; He restoreth equity; Worship and exalt the Eternal

One! Holy, Mighty Majesty!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Sing to the Lord With Cheerful Voice

1. All people that on earth do dwell, sing to the Lord with cheerful voice!

Serve Him with joy, His praises tell; come ye before Him and rejoice! And

know the Lord is God indeed; without our aid He did us make; We are His

flock; He doth us feed, and for His sheep He doth us take.

2. O enter then His gates with praise; gaily approach unto His courts; Praise

Him, and bless His name alway, for it is seemly so to do. For God the Lord

is ever good, His mercy is forever sure; His truth at all times firmly stood,

and shall from age to age endure.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Come Before His Presence

1. Come before His presence with singing; make a joyful noise to the Lord.

Come and serve the Lord filled with gladness, singing praises with one

accord. Come before Him with your thanksgiving, and before His throne

sing your praise. Sing your praises; always be thankful; bless His name

throughout all your days.

2. Come before His presence with singing; make a joyful noise all you lands.

It is God, our Lord, who has made us by the power of His command. In His

courts sing loudly before Him, as we worship God with our praise. Come

before His presence with singing, as our hearts and voices we raise.

3. Yes, His truth endureth forever, and His mercy lasts for all time. The

Eternal God everlasting, God our Father gracious and kind: He has made

us; we are His people; and His sheep all follow His voice. Come before His

presence with singing; come before Him as we rejoice.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




He Shall Reign Forevermore!

1. Hear my prayer, O Thou Eternal; hide not Thy face from me; Hear my cry

and quickly answer, when my day of trouble comes. Like grass my heart is

withered, my days like grass consumed; My God, take not my life now, in

the midst of my days.

2. Like an owl in some poor wasteland, I mourn and cannot sleep; Like a

melancholy sparrow, like a pelican alone. O Thou, Eternal, hear me, and

answer speedily; Hide not Thy face from me, Lord, for I moan bitterly.

3. When our God returns from heaven, then Zion shall be built; He shall come

in all His glory; He shall help the destitute. Their prayers He will despise

not; their groaning He will hear; And they shall dwell in safety, for our God

shall return.

4. When all people then are gathered to serve the Lord their God, To declare

His name in Zion, in Jerusalem His praise! All kings shall see His glory, all

nations hear His name! His fame shall be declared then, He shall reign


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O My Soul, Bless God the Father

1. O my soul, bless God the Father; all within me bless His name; Bless the

Father, and forget not all His mercies to proclaim.

2. Who forgiveth thy transgressions, who all thy diseases heals; Who redeems

thee from destruction, who with thee so kindly deals.

3. Far as east from west is distant, He hath put away our sin; Like the pity of a

father hath the Lord’s compassion been.

4. As it was without beginning, So it lasts without an end; To their children’s

children ever Shall His righteousness extend.

5. Unto such as keep His covenant And are steadfast in His way; Unto those

who still remember His commandments and obey.

6. Bless the Father, all His creatures, Ever under His control; All throughout

His vast dominion Bless the Father, O my soul.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




We Give Thanks to Our Redeemer

1. We give thanks to our Redeemer; With great joy we praise God’s name!

Praise our Savior, and forget not All God’s mercies to proclaim.

2. God forgives all our transgressions; All diseases gently heals. God redeems

us from destruction, And with all so kindly deals.

3. Far as east from west is distant, God has put away our sin. Greater than the

love of parents, Has the Lord’s compassion been.

4. Praise your Maker, all you creatures! Sing with joy and praise His name.

He who is our Lord and Shepherd Will forever be the same.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Bless the Lord Eternal, O My Soul

1. Bless the Lord Eternal, O my soul, bless His holy sacred name! And forget

not all His benefits to those who fear His name. He forgives all our

iniquities; our diseases He will heal; From destruction He redeems our life,

and He crowns us with His love!

2. Bless the Lord Eternal, O my soul, let the heavens praise His name! For His

mercy is as high above as heav’n above the earth. Not according to our

many sins has the Lord so dealt with us; For as far as east is from the west,

He removes from us our sins!

3. Bless the Lord Eternal, O my soul, let the angels praise His name! For in

heaven He has fixed His throne and there He rules the earth. The Eternal

vindicates the cause of all those who have been wronged; For His mercy is

as high above as the heav’ns above the earth!

4. Bless the Lord Eternal, O my soul, for His love always endures! And His

loyalty is to our sons who keep all His commands. As for man, he blossoms

like a flow’r, and his days are like the grass; But from death the Lord

redeems our life and He crowns us with His love!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O Give Thanks and Praise the Eternal!

1. O give thanks and praise the Eternal; call upon His sacred name; Let His

deeds be known among nations; sing to Him, sing songs of praise. Tell of

all His marvelous wonders, glory in His most holy name! Let the hearts of

those rejoice, who seek God and fear His name; Worship Him for ever and

ever; Never forget His wonderful works!

2. O remember all of His judgments, all His deeds and wonders great; O

remember, children of Isr’el, He made you His chosen ones! He is our God

now and forever! The Eternal, great is His name! Over all He reigns

supreme; all His judgments fill the earth. God of Abrah’m, Isaac and Jacob,

Glory to Him, sing praise to His name!

3. The Eternal’s word is forever; He confirmed His covenant; For a thousand

generations, to His people Israel. For He gave to them a possession, for an

everlasting domain; As their portion evermore, Canaan’s land He gave to

them. God of Abrah’m, Isaac and Jacob, Glory to Him, sing praise to His


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O Praise The Lord, For He is Good

1. O praise the Lord, for He is good, His mercies still endure; Thus let His

ransomed testify, From all their foes secure. He has redeemed His captive

saints From adversaries’ hands, Has gathered them and brought them back

In peace from hostile lands.

2. They wandered in the wilderness, By want and hunger pressed; In trouble

then they cried to God, He saved their souls distressed. He made the way

before them plain, Himself became their guide; He brought them to a city

strong Wherein they might abide.

3. O praise the Lord, you sons of men, For all His goodness shown; O praise

Him for the wondrous works To you He has made known. The longing soul

that turns to Him He fully satisfies; He fills with good each hungering one

That for His mercy cries.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O That Men Would Praise Their God!

1. O that men would praise their God For all His goodness and all His works!

For He fills the hungry soul, And they who are thirsty He satisfies. Some

are bound in darkness and chains, For their rebellion against the Most High.

2. O that men would praise their God For all His goodness and all His love!

He has opened the prisons wide, And saved men from death where they lay

enslaved; In their trouble they cried to Him, And with His word He

delivered their lives.

3. O that men would praise their God For all He does for the sons of men! O

that they would give thanks to Him With shouts of joy and with songs of

praise! Some crossed over the stormy seas; They see the wonders of God in

the deep.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




When Israel Out of Egypt Went

1. When Isr’el out of Egypt went and Did his dwelling change, when Jacob’s

house went Out from those who were of language strange, God made Judah

then to be His own, and Isr’el His domain; At the sight of them the Sea

quickly fled, Jordan was driven back.

2. Like rams the mountains and like lambs the Hills skipped to and fro. O sea,

what ails you, That you flee; O Jordan, that you turn back? What ails you,

mountains, that you skip, you Skip and leap like rams? What ails you, hills,

that You did leap, that you did leap like lambs?

3. O at the presence of the Lord, earth Trembled so with fear. O at the

presence Of the God of Jacob did appear; Who from the hard and stoney

rock did Pools of water bring; And by His pow’r He Turned the flint into a

water spring.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Praise Belongs to God

1. Not unto us, Eternal God, but unto Thy name give praise! Glory unto Thee

belongs, truth and mercy sure. They who trust in the Lord, they who fear

Him, small and great, He will be their help and shield. Praise belongs to


2. Our God is on His throne in heav’n; He has done what pleases Him. So

why do the heathen say, “Where is now your God?” Israel, trust in God! He

will be your help and shield; House of Aaron, trust your God; help and

shield is He.

3. Men make their idols with their hands, gods of silver, gods of gold; They

have mouths but do not speak, ears but do not hear! Israel, trust in God! All

who fear Him, He will bless! He will be your help and shield. Praise

belongs to God!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Praise the Lord on High

1. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord on high, singing Hallelujah,

hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Extol His name! All you nations all you

peoples, praise the Lord on high! Sing hallelujah, hallelujah! Praise the

Lord Almighty.

2. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord on high, singing Hallelujah,

hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Extol His name! Great His steadfast love

toward us, praise the Lord on high! Sing hallelujah, hallelujah! Praise the

Lord Almighty.

3. Hallelujah, Hallelujah! Praise the Lord on high, singing Hallelujah,

hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Extol His name! Praise to Him, His faithfulness

endures forevermore. Sing hallelujah, hallelujah! Praise the Lord Almighty.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O Give Thanks Unto Our God

1. O give thanks unto our God; blessed be His name! His mercy shall always

endure; and His kindness never fails. Let Israel confess to God, “His mercy

always shall endure”; Let Aaron’s household now repeat, that His mercy

never fails!

2. I called upon the Lord my God; in distress I cried! He answered me and set

me free; put your confidence in God. With the Eternal on my side, why

should I fear what men can do? Trust not in princes nor in man; better far to

trust in God!

3. All nations compassed me about, compassed me like bees; But the Eternal

is my strength; in His name I cut them off. Open the gates of righteousness,

where all the righteous enter in; I shall not die, but I shall live and shall tell

of all His works!

4. O give thanks unto our God; He has answered me! He my salvation has

become, He the chief, the cornerstone. He by the builders was refused; He

was rejected by His own. God is the Lord who shows us light; blessed be

the name of God!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




How Shall the Young Direct Their Way

1. How shall the young direct their way? What light shall be their perfect

guide? Thy Word, O Lord, will safely lead, If in its wisdom they confide.

2. Sincerely I have sought Thee, Lord, O let me not from Thee depart; To

know Thy will and keep from sin Thy Word I cherish in my heart.

3. O blessed Lord, teach me Thy law, Thy righteous judgments I declare; Thy

testimonies make me glad, For they are wealth beyond compare.

4. Upon Thy precepts and Thy ways My heart will meditate with awe; Thy

Word shall be my chief delight, And I will not forget Thy law.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O How Love I Thy Law!

1. O how love I Thy law! It is ever with me; It is my meditation all the day in

my thoughts. I have held back my feet from the ways of this world; Thou

hast given me wisdom by Thy righteous commands.

2. O how love I Thy law! It is ever with me; I have more understanding than

the ancients of old. From Thy precepts I learn ev’ry false way to hate; I

have more understanding for I dwell on Thy law.

3. O how love I Thy law! It is ever with me; Thy commands make me wiser

than my unfriendly foes. O how sweet are Thy words, more than honey is

sweet! From Thy judgments, Eternal, let me never depart.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




How I Love Thy Law, O Lord

1. How I love Thy law, O Lord, joy to me its truths afford; In its light I wisely

go to battle every foe.


Sweeter are Thy words to me, than all other words can be; Safe I walk, Thy

truth my light, hating falsehood, loving right.

2. Thy commandments in my heart truth and wisdom can impart; To my eyes

Thy precepts show more than my teachers know.


Sweeter are Thy words to me, than all other words can be; Safe I walk, Thy

truth my light, hating falsehood, loving right.

3. While my heart Thy word obeys, I am kept from evil ways; From Thy law,

with Thee to guide, I never turn aside.


Sweeter are Thy words to me, than all other words can be; Safe I walk, Thy

truth my light, hating falsehood, loving right.

4. Let my heart pour forth with praise, let me sing of Thy great ways; Of Thy

word I stand in awe, Oh, how I love Thy law!


Sweeter are Thy words to me, than all other words can be; Safe I walk, Thy

truth my light, hating falsehood, loving right.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




I Hate the Thoughts of Vanity

1. I hate the thoughts of vanity but I do love Thy law. Thou art my shield and

hiding place; I on Thy word rely. All ye who evildoers are, from me depart

away; Because the precepts of my God I purpose to obey.

2. Uphold and strengthen me according to Thy faithful word; That I may live

and of Thy hope, may never be ashamed. O, hold me safe, and ever in Thy

will let me delight; That for the statutes of my God I may have deep


3. My God will set at naught all those who from His precepts stray; For their

own lies are all in vain, and they themselves deceive. For all the wicked of

the earth are counted but as dross; And therefore do I love Thy law and

testimonies pure.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Unto the Hills I Lift My Eyes

1. Unto the hills I lift my eyes, O whence shall come my aid? My help is from

the Lord alone, who heav’n and earth has made. He will not let thy foot be

moved, thy Guardian never sleeps; With watchful and unslumb’ring care

His own He safely keeps.

2. Thy faithful Keeper is the Lord, thy Shelter and thy Shade; ‘Neath sun or

moon, by day or night, thou shalt not be afraid. From evil He will keep thee

safe, for thee He will provide; Thy going out, thy coming in, forever He

will guide.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Unless the Lord Shall Build the House

1. Unless the Lord shall build the house, the weary builders toil in vain;

Unless the Lord the city shields, the guards maintain a useless watch. In

vain you rise ere morning break, and late your nightly vigils keep, And

bread of anxious care partake; God gives to His beloved sleep.

2. Lo, children are the gift of God, and sons the blessing He commands;

These whom in youthful days bestowed, are like the shafts in warriors’

hands. And happy they whose quivers bear full store of arrows such as

these; They in the gate are free from fear, and boldly face their enemies.

3. That man is blest who fears the Lord, who lives and walks in all His ways;

For of his labor shall he eat, and he shall prosper all his days. His wife shall

be a fruitful vine; his children all like olive plants. Behold the man who

fears the Lord! To him His blessing will afford.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Blest and Happy is He

1. Blest and happy is he, who obeys and fears God; He shall earn his daily

bread, and it shall be well with him. With his wife in his house, as a vine

that bears fruit; And his sons ‘round his table shall like olive plants be.

2. Blest and happy is he, who obeys and fears God; Out of Zion the Eternal

will this blessing send him: All the days of his life, he and his sons shall

thrive; They shall see Isr’el flourish; in Jerusalem, peace.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Praise God’s Name!

1. Hallelujah! Praise God’s Name! Praise His name of whom you serve! You

who stand within God’s house shall praise His name within His courts!

Praise the Lord, for He is good; sing your praises to His name! God has

chosen for Himself, as His prized possession, Israel.

2. God is great above all gods; what He pleases that He does, In the heav’n

and on the earth, in the seas and depths of oceans wide; Raises mists o’er

all the earth; sends the lightning and the rain; And in Egypt He it was,

struck the firstborn both of man and beast.

3. He sent signs and wonders great, in the midst of Egypt’s land; Many

nations did He strike, many mighty kings for Israel. Great Your name,

Eternal God; great Your fame forevermore! Both endure to ev’ry age, and

to generations yet to come.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




His Mercy Never Fails

1. O give thanks unto the Lord; give thanks unto the Lord of lords; He

performs wonderful works; He stretched the earth above the sea!


Give thanks to God for He is good; He who alone doeth great works!

His kindness shall always endure; His mercy never fails!

2. O give thanks unto the Lord; for it was He who made great lights; For the

day He made the sun and for the night, the moon and stars!


Give thanks to God for He is good; He who alone doeth great works!

His kindness shall always endure; His mercy never fails!

3. O give thanks unto the Lord; He struck at Egypt’s stubborn pride; Their

firstborn He took in wrath; He led His people thru the sea!


Give thanks to God for He is good; He who alone doeth great works!

His kindness shall always endure; His mercy never fails!

4. O give thanks unto the Lord; for mighty kings of mighty names, He

destroyed and put to shame; Isr’el was saved from all their foes!


Give thanks to God for He is good; He who alone doeth great works!

His kindness shall always endure; His mercy never fails!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




By the Waters of Babylon

1. By the waters of Babylon, there we wept and there sat down; Hung our

harps on the willow trees; Zion, yet we remembered thee! Then our captors

required of us: “Sing a song of Zion now!” Could we sing the Eternal’s

songs by the waters of Babylon?

2. Let my right hand forget her skill, if Jerusalem I forget; If I fail to

remember thee, let my tongue cleave unto my mouth! But we thought of

Jerusalem when we sat near Zion’s streams; Far above even our chief joy,

we remembered Jerusalem.

3. In that day of Jerus’lem’s fall, when the children of Edom said, “Down

with her, down unto the ground, even to the foundations!” O thou daughter

of Babylon, to thy ruin hast’ning on; Happy he that rewardeth thee, just as

thou unto us hast done.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Lord, I Will Praise Thee!

1. Lord, I will praise Thee with my whole heart; I’ll sing Thy praises before

all the gods; Worship and bow t’ward Thy holy place, Praising Thy name

for Thy kind love so true.

2. More than Thy name Thy Word is enlarged; And when I cried in that day

Thou didst hear; Thou strengthened me with Thy strength, O Lord; Kings

of the earth will then hear, praising Thee.

3. Yes, they shall hear, O Lord, of Thy ways; Then shall they sing for Thy

glory is great; Though God is high the poor He respects; But strikes the

proud down from His sov’reign height.

4. Though in the midst of trouble I walk, Thou wilt preserve with Thy right

hand my life. Thou wilt fulfill Thy purpose for me; Thy steadfast love will

endure evermore.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Lord, Teach Me That I May Know

1. Lord, teach me that I may know of the way where I should go; For to Thee

I lift my soul, set me free from all my foes. Unto Thee I flee to hide me;

teach me now Thy will to do; For Thou, Eternal, art my God; lead me by

Thy Spirit good!

2. Bring my soul from trouble and for Thy name’s sake quicken me; Lead me

to the land of refuge, and for Thy mercy’s sake, Cut off all my foes, destroy

them, they which do afflict my soul, O Thou Eternal, righteous God, for I

am Thy servant, Lord.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O Lord, Thou Art My God and King!

1. O Lord, Thou art my God and King! I’ll Thee exalt, Thy praise proclaim! I

will Thee bless, and gladly sing forever to Thy holy name! The Lord our

God most gracious is; in Him compassions also flow; In mercy He is rich to

bless, but unto anger He is slow.

2. To all the Lord is very good; o’er all His works His mercy is; Thy works all

praise to Thee afford; Thy saints, O Lord, Thy name shall bless. Thy

Kingdom’s glory they shall show; they shall Thy power also tell; So that

men’s sons His deeds may know, His Kingdom’s grace that doth excel.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Hallelujah! Praise God!

1. Sing unto the Eternal; sing your praises to Him; Put your trust not in

mortals, for in them is no help.


Hallelujah! Praise God! The Eternal shall reign! He shall reign for all ages,

our King and our God!

2. Sing unto the Eternal; give your praises to Him; He it was who made

heaven, earth and sea and all things.


Hallelujah! Praise God! The Eternal shall reign! He shall reign for all ages,

our King and our God!

3. Sing unto the Eternal; let your hope be in Him; He remains true forever; He

gives justice to all.


Hallelujah! Praise God! The Eternal shall reign! He shall reign for all ages,

our King and our God!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O Sing Ye Hallelujah!

1. O sing ye hallelujah! ‘Tis good our God to praise; ‘Tis pleasant and

becoming to Him our songs to raise. He builds the walls of Zion, He seeks

her wandering sons, He binds their wounds and comforts the brokenhearted


2. The starry hosts He numbers, He calls them all by name; His greatness and

His wisdom His wondrous works proclaim. The meek He lifts to honor, He

humbles sinful pride; Give thanks to Him and utter His praises far and


3. No human pow’r delights Him, no earthly pomp or pride; He loves the

meek who fear Him and in His love confide. Then praise thy God, O Zion;

His gracious aid confess; He gives thee peace and plenty, His gifts thy

children bless.

4. His statutes and His judgments He makes His people know; To them as to

no others His grace He loves to show. For matchless grace and mercy your

grateful praises bring; To Him give thanks forever, and hallelujah sing.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Praise the Lord, Sing Praise!

1. Praise the Lord, sing praise from the heavens, Praise from the heavens,

praise in the heights! Angels praise Him, heav’nly hosts sing, Sun and

moon and stars give light! Praise the Lord, from heaven of heavens,

Heaven of heavens, waters above. He commanded and created, Set their

bounds forevermore!

2. Praise the Lord from earth and its creatures, Earth and its creatures placed

by design. Beasts and cattle, birds and reptiles Blessed and nurtured kind

by kind. Praise the Lord from mountains and hillsides, Mountains and

hillsides formed by His word. Young man, maiden, child and elder: Praise

the Lord for He is good!

3. Praise the Lord from princes and judges, Princes and judges, servants and

kings. Praise His name, alone exalted, And His glory high above. He has

raised the strength of His people, Strength of His people, praise of His

saints. Hear, O Israel, sons and daughters, Hallelujah! Sing His praise!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Praise Ye the Lord!

1. Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord! Praise from the heavens and praise

in the heights! Praise Him, ye angels, praise Him, ye hosts, O Praise Him,

ye sun, moon and stars in the heights! Heaven of heavens, waters above,

Praise the Eternal, let all praise His name! When He commanded, they

were created, and By a decree fixed their bounds evermore!

2. Praise ye the Lord! Ye mammals and deeps, too, Fire, hail and windstorms

fulfilling His word! Vapors and snow, all hills, too, and mountains, all

Cedars and fruit trees, let all praise His name! Wild beasts and cattle,

winged birds and reptiles, Earth’s kings and judges, all people and chiefs;

Young men and maidens, old men and children, O Praise ye the name of

our God evermore!

3. Praise ye the Lord! Praise ye the Lord! Praise from the heavens and praise

in the heights! Praise Him, ye angels, praise Him, ye hosts, for His Glory is

higher than heaven above. God lifted high the horn of His people; He has

exalted the praise of His saints; They are a people near unto God; they’re

the Children of Israel, praise ye the Lord!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




I Will Sing Unto the Eternal

1. I will sing unto the Eternal; He has triumphed gloriously! He extended His

right hand and cast the foe into the sea! O Eternal, my great salvation, You

my song in liberty! O Eternal, God of my father, You have set Your people


2. “I will chase them and overtake them, catch them and divide the spoil.”

Said the foe, “My hand will destroy them”; but the foe drowned in the sea!

At Your blast the waters were gathered, columns rose and depths

congealed. Pharaoh’s horsemen and his chariots sank into the churning sea!

3. Men and nations heard and trembled; fear and anguish on them fell; By the

greatness of Your power You sent forth in wrath to quell. O Eternal, who

led Your people over dry land through the sea, O Eternal, in Your mercy,

You have triumphed gloriously!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Love The Lord Your God

1. Hear, O hear, O Israel, you shall be instructed: To know the Lord Himself

is God, and beside Him there is no other. With all your heart and all your

soul, with all your strength do love the Lord, So, hear and heed, O Israel, to

keep the decrees He gives you.

2. Hear, O hear, O Israel, you shall be instructed: The Lord your God

commands His words that His blessings may be upon you. Bind as a sign

upon your hand; frontlets between your eyes they be To not forget the Lord

your God and keep the decrees He gives you.

3. Hear, O hear, O Israel, you shall be instructed: To keep His laws within

your heart and be faithful to teach your children. Speak them by night or in

the day, whether at home or on your way, O, hear and heed, O Israel, to

keep the decrees He gives you.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Thee Will I Love, O Lord

1. Thee will I love, O Lord, my might, my rock, my help, my saving pow’r,

My God, my trust, my shield in fight, my great salvation, my high tow’r!

To the Eternal is my prayer, to whom all praise we owe; So shall I by His

watchful care safely be guarded from my foe.

2. In my distress I called on God, to the Eternal raised my prayer; My voice

He from His temple heard; my cry ascended to His ear. He bowed the

heav’ns His high abode, came in the dark of night; He on a cherub swiftly

rode, and on the wings of wind His flight.

3. His deadly shafts around He threw; His foes dispersed in wild retreat; Like

burning darts His lightnings flew, scattering them in sore defeat. He sent

from heav’n and rescued me from waters swelling high; From those that

hate me set me free, and foes that stronger were than I.

4. For who but God should be adored? Who but our God can us befriend?

Who is a rock besides the Lord? Who else is able to defend? On the Eternal

I relied, and over foes prevailed; With the Almighty on my side, their lofty

walls I fearless scaled.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Stand Up and Bless the Lord

1. Stand up and bless the Lord, you people of His choice. Stand up and bless

the Lord your God with heart and soul and voice.

2. Though high above all praise; above all blessing high, Who would not fear

His holy name and laud and magnify?

3. God is our strength and song, His love salvation brings. So be His plan of

love proclaimed and praise our God and King.

4. Stand up and bless the Lord, the Lord your God adore. Stand up and bless

His glorious name for now and evermore.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Christ Shall have Dominion

1. Christ shall have dominion over land and sea, Earth’s remotest regions

shall His empire be; They that wilds inhabit shall their worship bring,

Kings shall render tribute, nations serve our King.


Christ shall have dominion over land and sea. Earth’s remotest regions

shall His empire be.

2. When the needy seek Him, He will mercy show; Yea, the weak and

helpless shall His pity know; He will surely save them from oppression’s

might, For their lives are precious in His holy sight.


Christ shall have dominion over land and sea. Earth’s remotest regions

shall His empire be.

3. Ever and forever shall His name endure, Long as suns continue it shall

stand secure; And in Him forever all men shall be blessed, And all nations

hail Him King, of kings confessed.


Christ shall have dominion over land and sea. Earth’s remotest regions

shall His empire be.

4. Unto God Almighty joyful Zion sings; He alone is glorious, doing

wondrous things. Evermore, ye people, bless His glorious name, His eternal

glory through the earth proclaim.


Christ shall have dominion over land and sea. Earth’s remotest regions

shall His empire be.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Arise and Sing His Praise

1. Arise, arise and bless the Lord; Prepare to sing His praise. From morning’s

dawn to fall of night My prayer and thanks I’ll raise.

2. Remember all His benefits, His love and kindness shown; His healing

touch, redeeming grace, His mercies on us bestowed.

3. So great His mercy is to us, As high as heav’ns above; And as a father sees

his child, So gives He to us His love.

4. To those who turn unto the Lord, Whose covenant they know, His

righteousness will guide their sons In this life and evermore.

5. O praise and bless Him, all His works, And all who hear His call. The Lord

has set His heav’nly throne; From there He rules over all.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




The Lord God Reigns!

1. In the latter days upon the earth Jesus Christ, our Lord shall reign. There a

temple shall be builded up and all people flow to it.


Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord. There He will teach all nations of

His ways. We will walk in the paths of the Lord. The Lord God reigns!

2. Then the law will go from Zion out, from Jerusalem the Word. He will

judge the people of the earth; many nations will obey.


Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord. There He will teach all nations of

His ways. We will walk in the paths of the Lord. The Lord God reigns!

3. They will beat their spears to pruning hooks and make plowshares of their

swords. Nations will not take up swords again and will train for war no



Let us go up to the mountain of the Lord. There He will teach all nations of

His ways. We will walk in the paths of the Lord. The Lord God reigns!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




From All Who Dwell Below the Skies

1. From all who dwell below the skies Let our Creator’s praise arise; Alleluia!

Alleluia! Let our Redeemer’s name be sung Through ev’ry land, in ev’ry



O praise Him, O praise Him, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

2. In ev’ry land begin the song, To ev’ry land the strains belong; Alleluia!

Alleluia! In cheerful sound all voices raise And fill the world with joyful



O praise Him, O praise Him, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

3. Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord; Eternal truth attends Thy word; Alleluia!

Alleluia! Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and

set no more.


O praise Him, O praise Him, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




The Mountain of the Lord

1. In the last days it shall come to pass That the mountain of the house of the

Lord Shall be lifted o’er the other hills, And the nations will come and say:


Oh, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, To the house of Jacob’s God.

He will teach us His ways, we will walk in His paths, Let us go to the

mountain of the Lord.

2. Out of Zion shall the law go forth, From Jerusalem the word of the Lord;

He will judge the nations of the earth, And rebuke strong and distant lands.


Oh, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, To the house of Jacob’s God.

He will teach us His ways, we will walk in His paths, Let us go to the

mountain of the Lord.

3. Into plowshares they shall beat their swords, Into pruning hooks their

spears shall be made; They shall not lift up their swords again. They will

learn the ways of war no more.


Oh, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, To the house of Jacob’s God.

He will teach us His ways, we will walk in His paths, Let us go to the

mountain of the Lord.

4. Underneath the vine and fig tree, Ev’ry man shall sit in peace, unafraid, For

the Lord of hosts has spoken it, And forever we will walk in His name.


Oh, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, To the house of Jacob’s God.

He will teach us His ways, we will walk in His paths, Let us go to the

mountain of the Lord.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Behold, The Day Will Come

1. Behold, the day will come, the day of the Lord our God! He shall bring all

nations in that day against Jerusalem. They shall take the city and share the

spoil, in the very midst of them; Then our God Eternal shall go forth, and

shall fight against our foes!

2. In that great day of God, our Lord shall stand on earth! On the Mount of

Olives He shall stand, and the mount shall cleave in two! There shall be a

valley of mammoth size; by the valley you shall flee; For our God Eternal

shall be King, and shall rule over all the earth!

3. In that great day of God, t’will be neither day nor night; But at eventime it

shall be light; it shall be one day to God. Out from Zion shall living waters

flow to the east and to the west; Then our God Eternal shall be King; in that

day shall there be one God!

4. Behold, that day shall come, when all nations shall obey! Those of all the

nations that are left, to Jerusalem shall go; They shall even go there from

year to year, and shall keep the Feast of Booths; There shall be one God,

the Eternal, who is King over all the earth!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Hearts of the Fathers

1. Remember Moses’ law, take heed, all faithful servants pray, Elijah, I will

send to you before that dreadful day.


And He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, to God’s way.

He will turn the hearts of the children to their fathers in that day.

2. Now children are a blessing too, the fruit of His reward; In days of youth,

let us rejoice, be grateful to the Lord.


And He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, to God’s way.

He will turn the hearts of the children to their fathers in that day.

3. With healing in His wings, the Sun of Righteousness shall stand, All

nations turn unto His way unless He strike the land.


And He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, to God’s way.

He will turn the hearts of the children to their fathers in that day.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Consider the Lilies

1. Consider the lilies and how they grow, For they never toil or spin you

know, Yet Solomon in all his finery Was never arrayed like one of these.

2. And look at the ravens up in the air, For they never sow or gather there, Yet

your Father feeds them from day to day. Are you not of far more worth

than they?

3. If God clothes the grass of the field this way, Which lives and which dies in

a single day, If God feeds the birds of the heavens, too, Will He not do

even more for you?

4. So therefore I say, take no anxious care, For what you shall eat and what

you shall wear, But seek first God’s kingdom and righteousness, And with

all these things you shall be blessed.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Seek Ye First

1. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, And all these

things shall be added unto you. Allelu, alleluia.

2. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by ev’ry word That proceeds from

the mouth of God. Allelu, alleluia.

3. Ask, and it shall be given unto you. Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and the

door shall be opened unto you. Allelu, alleluia.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Go Ye Therefore Into All the World

1. Go ye therefore into all the world; Preach the gospel unto ev’ry one; Teach

all nations to observe all things I Have commanded you. Baptize them into

the Father’s name, In the Holy Spirit’s and the Son’s; Lo, I shall be with

you to the end; Lo, I am with you alway.

2. Those who have believ’d and are baptized Shall be saved while others are

condemn’d; Then as for those who now do believe these Signs shall surely

follow: They shall cast out demons in My name, They shall not be hurt by

deadly things; And they shall lay hands upon the sick, And the sick shall be

made well.

3. Christ was taken up into the heav’ns After He had spoken all these words;

There His Father did receive Him and place Him at His right hand. His

disciples went out as He said; And they preach’d the gospel ev’rywhere;

Christ worked with them and confirmed the word, By those signs which

followed them.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




God Speaks to Us

1. God speaks to us; by His great pow’r we’re led; Let not your hearts become

disquieted. You trust in God; believe and trust in Me; You trust in God;

believe and trust in Me.

2. In God’s vast realm are many offices; Were it not so, I surely would have

said; For I must go, a place for you prepare; For I must go, a place for you


3. And when this place has been prepared for you, I will return; with Me you

shall be too; So that where I am you may also be; So that where I am you

may also be.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Not Many Wise Men Now Are Called

1. Not many wise men now are called, not many noble brethren, Not many

mighty chosen ones, for you see your calling: Sons of God, you are called,

not because of greatness; Even the wisdom of mankind is to God but


2. God chose the foolish of the world; He chose the weak and base things; He

chose the things which are despised, that no flesh should glory. Sons of

God, you are called, not because of greatness; You who are called and now

in Christ, shall confound the mighty.

3. Even the foolishness of God, wiser by far than man is; Even the weakness

of our God, stronger far than man is. Sons of God, you are called, not

because of greatness; Let them who glory boast in Christ, not in their own


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




The Trumpet Shall Sound

1. Behold, I show, I show you all a mystery: We shall not sleep, but we shall

all be changed. In just a while, the twinkling of an eye, you’ll see, The

trumpet shall sound, and we shall all be raised.


But thanks to God, who giveth us the victory Through Christ the Lord,

Eternal, Living One. Always abound and do the work He’s given me,

Beloved of God and Christ, His chosen sons.

2. O death, O grave, where is your sting, your victory? The sting of death is

sin, defined by law. And when this mortal puts on immortality, The trumpet

shall sound, rejoice forevermore.


But thanks to God, who giveth us the victory Through Christ the Lord,

Eternal, Living One. Always abound and do the work He’s given me,

Beloved of God and Christ, His chosen sons.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Ambassadors For Christ

1. If anyone is in Christ, then he is a new creation; The old has passed away

and all things are made new. The ministry of our Christ, one of

reconciliation, Making peace with God the Father and with all our brethren,



We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors and called to be God’s sons, To

declare His holy Kingdom, that His will on earth be done. Be reconciled to

God and let us commit our hearts and minds; Ambassadors for Jesus Christ,

the Savior of all mankind.

2. As fellow workers with Him, it’s the day of our salvation; So let us not

receive the grace of God in vain. With purity and with love, let us serve our

Lord and Master; As we press toward His Kingdom, let us never be



We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors and called to be God’s sons, To

declare His holy Kingdom, that His will on earth be done. Be reconciled to

God and let us commit our hearts and minds; Ambassadors for Jesus Christ,

the Savior of all mankind.

3. God said He’s dwelling with us, and He’s walking with His people; He

promised He would guide and lead the path we’ve trod. And now He’s

dwelling in us, and we are His sons and daughters; For we are the holy

temple of the everliving God.


We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors and called to be God’s sons, To

declare His holy Kingdom, that His will on earth be done. Be reconciled to

God and let us commit our hearts and minds; Ambassadors for Jesus Christ,

the Savior of all mankind.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




If I Have Not Charity

1. Though I speak with tongues of men, though I speak as angels, If I have not

charity I am become as nothing. I become as sounding brass, or a tinkling

cymbal; With the gift of prophecy, still I am as nothing.

2. Though I know all mysteries, though I have all knowledge, If I have not

charity I am become as nothing. Though I give all I possess, let my body

burn; If I have not charity, then I am as nothing.

3. Charity rejoiceth not in iniquity, But rejoiceth in the truth; believes and

bears all things; Hopes all things; endures all things; never thinketh evil. If

I have not charity, then I am as nothing.

4. Whether there be prophecies, whether there be knowledge, These shall

likewise pass away, but charity remaineth. Faith and hope and charity, all

of these abide; But among the three of these, charity is greatest.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Think on These Things

1. Rejoice in the Lord always. I say, rejoice! Let gentleness be seen by all, the

Lord is near.

2. Don’t worry at all, but go to God in prayer. Tell Him your needs and give

Him thanks and find His peace.

3. The peace that transcends our ev’ry human thought Will guard your heart

and guard your mind in Jesus Christ.

4. Whatever is true, is noble, always right, Is lovely, pure and praiseworthy,

think on these things.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




A Chosen Generation

1. You’re a chosen generation, royal priesthood for His throne; You’re a

blessed and holy nation; you’re a people for His own. So you may declare

His praises, do what’s pleasing in His sight, He has called you out of

darkness to His glorious, marv’llous light.

2. Once you were not called a people in a world that’s gone astray; Now

you’ve heeded His great calling, showing forth His will and way. You had

not received the mercy of Eternal God above; Now you are the blessed

receivers of His mercy and His love.

3. You’re a chosen generation, royal priesthood for His throne; You’re a

blessed and holy nation; you’re a people for His own. So you may declare

His praises, do what’s pleasing in His sight, He has called you out of

darkness to His glorious, marv’llous light.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




The New Jerusalem

1. When the judgment years are ended and death is cast away, The first

heav’n and the first earth in fire shall pass away. From new heaven to new

earth shall come the new Jerusalem. And the dwelling of the Father at last

shall be with men.

2. Like a bride dressed for the bridegroom the city of God shall be. Her walls

shall shine like jasper, of gold shall be her streets. Her gates are twelve in

number, an angel at each one, And each of her foundations is set with

precious stones.

3. From the Father’s throne, a river as clear as crystal flows, And on its banks

forever the tree of life shall grow. Its leaves shall heal the nations, its fruit

shall be for food. And there shall be no more curse there, but all shall be for


4. They shall need no sun by day there, nor moon to shine by night, For the

glory of their God and the Lamb shall be its light. His saints shall reign

forever, from death they shall be free. God will dwell among His people for

all eternity.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




All Things Bright & Beautiful


All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, All things wise

and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.

1. Each little flow’r that opens, each little bird that sings, He made their

glowing colors, He made their tiny wings:


All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, All things wise

and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.

2. The purpleheaded mountain, the river running by, The sunset, and the

morning that brightens up the sky:


All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, All things wise

and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.

3. The cold wind in the winter, the pleasant summer sun, The ripe fruits in the

garden, He made them ev’ry one:


All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, All things wise

and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.

4. He gave us eyes to see them, and lips that we might tell How great is God

Almighty who has made all things well:


All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, All things wise

and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Keep God’s Sabbath Holy

1. God rested on the seventh day and created holy time. A day of hope and

healing that was made for all of mankind.

Chorus: :

So let us keep God’s Sabbath holy, a day of worship and release, As a

shadow of what is to come, God’s government of peace.

2. Our Creator knows His people, those who worship Him through time. For

He made a Sabbath covenant and He made His Sabbath a sign.

Chorus: :

So let us keep God’s Sabbath holy, a day of worship and release, As a

shadow of what is to come, God’s government of peace.

3. Let us celebrate the Sabbath day, what it pictures in God’s plan. Man was

not made for the Sabbath day; but the Sabbath day for man.

Chorus: :

So let us keep God’s Sabbath holy, a day of worship and release, As a

shadow of what is to come, God’s government of peace.

4. For the people of our loving God there remains a Sabbath rest. An age of

restoration, when all nations shall be blessed.

Chorus: :

So let us keep God’s Sabbath holy, a day of worship and release, As a

shadow of what is to come, God’s government of peace.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




On the Sabbath Day

1. On the Sabbath day, holy Sabbath day, happy day of rest, Sing a song of

thanks to Father God on high, from whose hand we’re blessed. Sing a song

of thanks to Father God on high, from whose hand we’re blessed.

2. From the setting sun to the setting sun, let your hearts rejoice. Taste the

goodness of a kingdom yet to come, lift to God your voice. Taste the

goodness of a kingdom yet to come, lift to God your voice.

3. Learn the word of God, learn the ways of God, and when day is done,

Strengthened, we will go to do the Father’s work till the week is run.

Strengthened, we will go to do the Father’s work till the week is run.

4. On the seventh day, holy seventh day, we will meet again. Sing a song of

thanks to Father God on high, our eternal Friend. Sing a song of thanks to

Father God on high, our eternal Friend.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Come, Ye Thankful People, Come

1. Come, ye thankful people, come, raise the song of harvest home; All is

safely gathered in ere the winter storms begin; God, our Maker, doth

provide for our wants to be supplied; Come to God’s own temple, come,

raise the song of harvest home.

2. All the blessings of the field, all the stores the gardens yield; All the fruits

in full supply, ripened ‘neath the summer sky; All that spring, with

bounteous hand, scatters o’er the smiling land; All that lib’ral autumn

pours, from her rich o’erflowing stores.

3. These to Thee, our God, we owe, source whence all our blessings flow,

And for these our souls shall raise grateful songs of solemn praise. Come,

then, thankful people, come, raise the song of harvest home; Come to

God’s own temple, come, raise the song of harvest home.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




May Your Blessing Be Upon Us

1. Our Father may Your blessing be Upon us all eternally, And as our

Shepherd safely keep Us in Your fold as humble sheep.

2. O lift Your countenance, we pray, Upon us all this Sabbath day, And

always cause Your face to shine On us, our God and King divine.

3. O let our lives Your way confess! Extend to us Your graciousness, And

cause Your Spirit to increase In us, that we may live in peace.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Everybody Worship


Come! Now! Ev’rybody worship with a prayer and song of praise! Come!

Now! Ev’rybody worship! Worship God always!

1. Worship and remember to keep the Sabbath day. Take a rest and think of

God; put your work away!


Come! Now! Ev’rybody worship with a prayer and song of praise! Come!

Now! Ev’rybody worship! Worship God always!

2. Worship and remember the Lord’s unending care, Reaching out to love and

help people everywhere!


Come! Now! Ev’rybody worship with a prayer and song of praise! Come!

Now! Ev’rybody worship! Worship God always!

3. Worship and remember our blessings great and small. Give to God an

offering; show your thanks for all!


Come! Now! Ev’rybody worship with a prayer and song of praise! Come!

Now! Ev’rybody worship! Worship God always!

4. Worship and remember how Jesus long ago Taught us how to pray to God;

something we should know!


Come! Now! Ev’rybody worship with a prayer and song of praise! Come!

Now! Ev’rybody worship! Worship God always!

5. Worship and remember God’s special Holy Days, Showing us the plan of

God, teaching us His way!


Come! Now! Ev’rybody worship with a prayer and song of praise! Come!

Now! Ev’rybody worship! Worship God always!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




As For Me & My House

1. As for me and my house, we will serve You, Lord, forever! Just as our

father Abraham, we also shall obey. For in truth and spirit we’ll serve only

You above; We know You want to bless us all with everlasting love. In our

hearts and minds, Lord, You already have a home. At Your return our

family will become Your very own.

2. In Your mercy, Father, You revealed to us Your plan: You gave the way to

peace and life for sinful, mortal man. Down through all the ages, Your true

faithful have held fast. Your holy way of life was made with clear intent to

last. So much pain and suff’ring, O so few will do the right; Come quickly,

Lord, deliver us, O now please send back the Light.

3. As for me and my house, we will serve You, Lord, forever! As faithful

fathers honored You, we also shall obey. Daily we look for Your coming,

watchfully we wait; True blessings come in Your time, never early, never

late. In our hearts and minds, Lord, You already have a home. Please bless

this family and help us to grow into Your own.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Now Thank We All Our God

1. Now thank we all our God with hearts and hands and voices, Who

wondrous things hath done, in whom His Church rejoices, Who from our

mothers’ arms hath blessed us on our way With countless gifts of love, and

still is ours today.

2. O may this bounteous God through all our lives be near us, With ever

joyful hearts and blessed peace to cheer us, And keep us in His grace, and

guide us when perplexed, And free us from all ills in this world and the


3. All praise and thanks to God, the Father, now be given, The Son, the One

who reigns with Him in highest heaven, The one Eternal God, whom earth

and heav’n adore; For thus it was, is now, and shall be evermore.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Search Me, O God

1. Search me, O God, and know my heart today; Try me, O Savior, know my

thoughts, I pray. See if there be some wicked way in me; Cleanse me from

ev’ry sin, and set me free.

2. I praise You, Lord, for cleansing me from sin; Fulfill Your Word and make

me pure within. Fill me with zeal, where once I lived in shame; Grant my

desire to magnify Your name.

3. Lord, take my life, and make it wholly Thine; Fill my whole heart with

Your great love divine. Take all my will, my passion, self and pride; Lead

me, O Lord; I pray in me abide.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord

1. Teach me Thy way, O Lord, teach me Thy way! Thy guiding grace afford,

teach me Thy way! Help me to walk aright, more by faith, less by sight;

Lead me with Thy true light, teach me Thy way!

2. When I am sad at heart, teach me Thy way! When earthly joys depart, teach

me Thy way! In hours of loneliness, in times of sore distress, In failure or

success, teach me Thy way!

3. When doubts and fears arise, teach me Thy way! When storm clouds fill

the skies, teach me Thy way! Shine thru the cloud and rain, thru sorrow,

toil and pain; Make Thou my pathway plain, teach me Thy way!

4. Long as my life shall last, teach me Thy way! Where-e’er my lot be cast,

teach me Thy way! Until the race is run, until the journey’s done, Until the

crown is won, teach me Thy way!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




We Hope in Your Mercy

1. We hope in Your mercy, We hope in Your word. You take pleasure in all

those who fear You, In those who hope in the Lord.

2. Your eye is upon us. You strengthen the heart. We’re made glad by the

hope of salvation, Which sets the faithful apart.

3. When sorrows surround us, When evil is near, We rejoice in the hope of

Your glory, And wait until You appear.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




As the Deer

1. As the deer pants for the water, so my soul longs after You. You alone are

my heart’s desire, and I long to worship You.


You alone are my strength, my shield; to You alone may my spirit yield.

You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship You.

2. You’re my friend and You are my brother, even though You are a King. I

love You more than any other, so much more than anything.


You alone are my strength, my shield; to You alone may my spirit yield.

You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship You.

3. I want You more than gold or silver, only You can satisfy. You alone are

the real joy giver, and the apple of my eye.


You alone are my strength, my shield; to You alone may my spirit yield.

You alone are my heart’s desire, and I long to worship You.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Great Is the Lord

1. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised In the city of our God, upon His

holy hill. Zion is God’s city; peace is in the land. Christ rules the nations;

His kingdom is at hand!

2. Let us rejoice! Our King has come to reign! He will judge with

righteousness, the Faithful One and True! Glory, Alleluia unto Christ our

King! Behold our Savior! Of His great pow’r we sing!

3. Worship the Lord, present yourself to Him, Hail the Lamb who is our light;

pay homage to His name! Look within the city, there shall be no strife.

Enter, you faithful, known from the Book of Life.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Wake, My Heart

1. Wake, my lute, oh wake, my harp, I will awaken the dawn And sing the

great Eternal’s praises from this hour on. Wake, my heart, oh wake, my

heart, I will arise and sing, Declare the glory of His name to ev’ry living


2. Ev’ry land must hear the word, all of the world must know. The King will

come and save His people from the time of woe. Knowledge of His

righteous ways over the earth shall be As deep and wide and wondrous as

the waters of the sea.

3. Then the blind at last shall see, then all the deaf shall hear, The dumb shall

sing, the lame man shall go leaping like a deer. Then the desert shall

rejoice, blossoming as the rose, For waters shall burst forth and gladden

ev’rything that grows.

4. Then the dead in Christ shall rise, God will awaken His own. Together we

shall reign on earth before Christ’s glorious throne. All the earth at last

shall know, all of the nations shall see An age of love and joy and light and

peace and harmony.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Our Thanks, O God, for Parents

1. Our thanks, O God, for parents who follow in Your way, And who, with

glad and trusting hearts, exalt You ev’ry day.

2. Our thanks, O God, for parents who show, by word and deed, Commitment

to Your will and plan, and Your commandments heed.

3. Our thanks, O God, for parents who on their knees in prayer, In spite of all

life’s toil and care, find strength and wisdom there.

4. How blessed are the children who in their parents see The tender

Fatherlove of God, and true to Him will be.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




God of Grace and God of Glory

1. God of grace and God of glory, on Thy people pour Thy pow’r; Crown

Thine ancient Church’s story; bring her bud to glorious flow’r; Grant us

wisdom; grant us courage, for the facing of this hour, For the facing of this


2. Lo! The hosts of evil ‘round us scorn Thy Christ, assail His ways! From the

fears that long have bound us, free our hearts to faith and praise. Grant us

wisdom; grant us courage, for the living of these days, For the living of

these days.

3. Set our feet on lofty places; gird our lives that they may be Armored with

all Christlike graces in the fight to set men free. Grant us wisdom; grant us

courage, that we fail not man nor Thee, That we fail not man nor Thee.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Men and Children Everywhere

1. Men and children everywhere, with sweet music fill the air! Nations, come,

your voices raise to the Lord in hymns of praise! Join the angel song; all

the worlds to Him belong!


Holy, holy, to our God all glory be!

2. Morning, evening, bless His name, skies with crimson clouds aflame,

Rainbow arch, His covenant sign, countless stars by night that shine!

Through His far domain, love is king where He doth reign!


Holy, holy, to our God all glory be!

3. Storm and flood and ocean’s roar, breakers crashing on the shore,

Waterfalls that never sleep, towering mountain, canyon deep, Tell ye forth

His might, Lord of life and truth and right!


Holy, holy, to our God all glory be!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




We Will Glorify

1. We will glorify the King of Kings; we will glorify the Lamb. We will

glorify the Lord of Lords, who is the great I AM.

2. The Eternal reigns in majesty; we will bow before His throne. We will

worship Him in righteousness, we will worship Him alone.

3. He is Lord of heaven, Lord of earth; He is Lord of all who live. He is Lord

above the universe; all praise to Him we give.

4. Hallelujah to the King of Kings; hallelujah to the Lamb. Hallelujah to the

Lord of Lords, who is the great I AM.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken

1. Glorious things of thee are spoken, Zion, city of our God; He, whose Word

cannot be broken, formed thee for His own abode; On the Rock of Ages

founded, what can shake thy sure repose? With salvation’s walls

surrounded, thou mayest smile at all thy foes.

2. See, the streams of living waters, springing from eternal love, Well supply

thy sons and daughters, and all fear of want remove; Who can faint, while

such a river ever flows their thirst to assuage? Grace which like the Lord,

the Giver, never fails from age to age.

3. Round each habitation hov’ring, see the cloud and fire appear, For a glory

and a cov’ring, showing that the Lord is near! Glorious things of thee are

spoken, Zion city of our God; He, whose Word cannot be broken, formed

thee for His own abode.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




How Great Thou Art

1. O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder Consider all the works Thy

hands have made, I see the stars I hear the mighty thunder, Thy pow’r

throughout the universe displayed.


Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee: How great Thou art! How

great Thou art! Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee: How great

Thou art! How great Thou art!

2. When through the woods and forest glades I wander And hear the birds

sing sweetly in the trees, When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur,

And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze.


Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee: How great Thou art! How

great Thou art! Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee: How great

Thou art! How great Thou art!

3. And when I think that God, His Son not sparing, Sent Him to die, I scarce

can take it in, That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and

died to take away my sin.


Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee: How great Thou art! How

great Thou art! Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee: How great

Thou art! How great Thou art!

4. When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation; When He returns, what

joy shall fill my heart! Then I shall bow in humble adoration, And there

proclaim, my God, how great Thou art.


Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee: How great Thou art! How

great Thou art! Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee: How great

Thou art! How great Thou art!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




To God Be the Glory

1. To God be the glory; great things He hath done! So loved He the world that

He gave us His Son, Who yielded His life, an atonement for sin, And

opened the lifegate that all may go in.


Praise the Lord; praise the Lord; let the earth hear His voice! Praise the

Lord; praise the Lord; let the people rejoice! O come to the Father through

Jesus the Son, And give Him the glory; great things He hath done!

2. O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood! To ev’ry believer the promise

of God; The vilest offender who truly repents, That moment from Jesus a

pardon is sent.


Praise the Lord; praise the Lord; let the earth hear His voice! Praise the

Lord; praise the Lord; let the people rejoice! O come to the Father through

Jesus the Son, And give Him the glory; great things He hath done!

3. Great things He hath taught us; great things He hath done! And great our

rejoicing through Jesus the Son; But purer and higher and greater will be

Our wonder, the vict’ry when Jesus we see.


Praise the Lord; praise the Lord; let the earth hear His voice! Praise the

Lord; praise the Lord; let the people rejoice! O come to the Father through

Jesus the Son, And give Him the glory; great things He hath done!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O Worship the King

1. O worship the King, all glorious above! O gratefully sing His power and

His love! Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days, Pavilioned in

splendor, and girded with praise.

2. O tell of His might! O sing of His grace! His garment is light, His canopy is

space. His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form, And dark is His

path on the wings of the storm.

3. Thy bountiful care, what tongue can recite? It breathes in the air; it shines

in the light; It streams from the hills; it descends to the plain, And sweetly

distils in the dew and the rain.

4. Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail, In Thee do we trust, nor find Thee

to fail; Thy mercies how tender, how firm to the end, Our Maker, Defender,

Redeemer and Friend!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




How Good and How Pleasant

1. How good and how pleasant for brethren to dwell Together in unity, so

David did tell; Like beautiful music, a breathtaking view, Like most

precious ointment, like fresh morning dew That descended on the

mountains of Zion long before; God commanded a blessing of life



How good and how pleasant for brethren to be Dwelling safely together in

sweet harmony.

2. Now Jesus was praying with fervent desire That all who believe in His

great name might be one. With voices united, together we stand, At peace

with the Heavenly Father and Son. When we come into the knowledge and

unity of God, And we grow and we follow the steps that Jesus trod,


How good and how pleasant for brethren to be Dwelling safely together in

sweet harmony.

3. One body, one spirit, one Lord and one faith, One holy Creator God, the

Father of all; One baptism picturing life evermore, One hope and salvation,

just as we are called. Like the dew that had descended from Zion long

before, God commanded a blessing of life forevermore.


How good and how pleasant for brethren to be Dwelling safely together in

sweet harmony.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




We Are God’s People

1. We are God’s people, the chosen of the Lord, Led by His Spirit, established

by His Word; Our cornerstone is Christ alone, and strong in Him we stand;

O let us live transparently, and walk heart to heart and hand in hand.

2. We are God’s loved ones, the Bride of Christ our Lord, For we have known

it, the love of God outpoured; Now let us learn how to return the gift of

love once giv’n; O let us share each joy and care, and live with a zeal that

pleases heav’n.

3. We are the Body of which the Lord is Head, Called to obey Him, now risen

from the dead; He wills us be a family diverse yet truly one; O let us give

our gifts to God, and so shall His work on earth be done.

4. We are a temple, the Spirit’s dwelling place, Formed in great weakness, a

cup to hold God’s grace; We die alone, for on its own, each ember loses

fire; Yet joined in one the flame burns on to give warmth and light and to


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Glory to Thy Name

1. I will extol Thee, my God and King adore; And bless Thy name, O Lord,

from now and evermore. How just and true Thy ways, Lord, O King of

ev’ry age. How just and true Thy ways, forever glory to Thy name.

2. Who shall not fear Thee and glorify Thy name, And worship Thee, O Lord,

through this and ev’ry age? Thy mighty deeds and judgments in

righteousness revealed; Thy mercy lasts forevermore, we glorify Thee,


3. Saints in Thy splendor shall give Thee thanks and praise; Declare Thy

greatness, Thy wondrous works proclaim. Thy Kingdom and Thy power in

love reigneth over men. Let all the nations, ev’ry angel, bless Thy holy


4. Thy name I bless, Lord, my King, forevermore. King of all ages, all nations

Thee adore. For Thou alone art holy, Thy goodness pours forth fame; O

Lord, our God, and King forever, glory to Thy name.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Great God Who Made the Universe

1. Great God who made the universe and knows the stars by name, Who set

the sun and moon and all the planets in their frame, Who made a billion

galaxies and scattered them through space, Who made a jewel and called it

earth and gave it honored place.

2. He made the day, He made the night, He made the wind that blows, He

made the sky, He made the land, He made the rain and snow, He made the

mountains and the plains, He made the shining seas, He blessed the earth

with greenery and shaded it with trees.

3. All living things on earth He made, yes, ev’ry beast that breathes, The birds

that frolic in the sky, the whales that sport at sea, All cattle and all creeping

things, all creatures great and small, And then a man and woman with

dominion o’er them all.

4. The seventh day He made a time of rest for God and man That we might

ever mindful be of His eternal plan. Why did God labor mightily to make

the earth we see? To give a cradle to all life and grow His family.

5. When Christ shall come to earth again, and curses shall be done, And

beautiful as earth was made, it shall again become, But even still more

beautiful new heav’n and earth shall be, And God at last shall dwell with

men for all eternity.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Let All Things Now Living

1. Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving To God the Creator

triumphantly raise, Who fashioned and made us, protected and stayed us,

Who guideth us on to the end of our days. His banners are o’er us, His light

goes before us, A pillar of fire shining forth in the night, ‘Til shadows have

vanished and darkness is banished, As forward we travel from light into


2. His law He enforces: the stars in their courses, And sun in its orbit,

obediently shine; The hills and the mountains, the rivers and fountains, The

deeps of the ocean proclaim Him divine. We, too, should be voicing our

love and rejoicing; With glad adoration a song let us raise, ‘Til all things

now living unite in thanksgiving To God in the highest, hosanna and


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven

1. Praise, my soul, the King of heaven, to His feet thy tribute bring;

Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, who like thee His praise should sing?

Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise the everlasting King!

2. Praise Him for His grace and favor to our fathers in distress; Praise Him,

still the same forever, slow to chide, and swift to bless; Alleluia! Alleluia!

Glorious in His faithfulness!

3. Fatherlike, He tends and spares us; well our feeble frame He knows; In His

hands He gently bears us, rescues us from all our foes; Alleluia! Alleluia!

Widely as His mercy flows!

4. Frail as summer’s flow’r we flourish; blows the wind and it is gone; But,

while mortals rise and perish, God endures unchanging on; Alleluia!

Alleluia! Praise the high Eternal One!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty

1. Praise ye the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation! O my soul, praise

Him, for He is thy health and salvation! All ye who hear, now to His

temple draw near; Join me in glad adoration!

2. Praise ye the Lord, who o’er all things so wondrously reigneth, Shelters

thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth! Hast thou not seen how thy

desires e’er have been Granted in what He ordaineth?

3. Praise ye the Lord, who with marvelous wisdom hath made thee! Decked

thee with health, and with loving hand guided and stayed thee; How oft in

grief hath not He brought thee relief, Spreading His wings for to shade


4. Praise ye the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him! All that hath life and

breath, come now, with praises before Him! Let the Amen sound from His

people again; Gladly for aye we adore Him.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Be Now My Vision

1. Be now my vision, O God of my heart; Nothing surpasses the love You

impart. You my best thought, by day or by night, Waking or sleeping, Your

presence my light.

2. Be now my wisdom, and be my true word; I’m ever with You and You

with me, Lord. You my great Father, O help me to see Now and forever

Your child I will be.

3. Riches I need not, nor life’s empty praise, You, my inheritance, now and

always; You and You only are first in my heart, Great God my treasure let

me never depart.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




All Hail the Power

1. All hail the pow’r of Jesus’ name! Let angels prostrate fall; Behold the

royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all; Behold the royal diadem, and

crown Him Lord of all!

2. Ye chosen seed of Israel’s race, ye who did hear the call, Praise Him who

saves you by His grace, and crown Him Lord of all; Praise Him who saves

you by His grace, and crown Him Lord of all!

3. Let ev’ry kindred, ev’ry tribe, on this terrestrial ball, To Him all majesty

ascribe, and crown Him Lord of all; To Him all majesty ascribe, and crown

Him Lord of all!

4. O that, with yonder angel throng, we at His feet may fall! We’ll join the

everlasting song, and crown Him Lord of all; We’ll join the everlasting

song, and crown Him Lord of all!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




The Prophet Has Written

1. Isaiah the prophet has written of old How God’s holy kingdom shall come.

The Son will return in His righteousness; All nations will gather to Him.

His rule will be just, He will help all the needy; Holy and faithful is He. In

that day the Lord will assemble the scattered From each of the wings of the


2. The beasts of the kingdom shall peacefully dwell, And children will not be

afraid. The calf and the lion a child will lead; The leopard will rest with the

kid; For nothing shall hurt or destroy on His mountain; All will live safely

in peace. The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God as The waters

that cover the seas.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Be at Rest Child of God

1. The lilies of the field grow, they labor not nor spin; The Father clothes

them splendidly, He tends them as a friend. Yet child of God, you’re

troubled, you worry for your life; Just take your faith beyond your fears to

Him, the Lord who provides.


Be at rest, child of God; don’t worry any more; For those who wait and

trust in God shall like mighty eagles soar. Look to God, the Father of love,

to His Word and righteous Kingdom; Live today with confidence and hope;

trust the God of our salvation!

2. We all are called as God’s sons, and told to count the cost; Each day the

Father comfort gives, tho’ we’re by trials tossed. We’re seeking first His

Kingdom, and all its righteous ness, With hope and trust in peace to come,

our faith is in His rest!


Be at rest, child of God; don’t worry any more; For those who wait and

trust in God shall like mighty eagles soar. Look to God, the Father of love,

to His Word and righteous Kingdom; Live today with confidence and hope;

trust the God of our salvation!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Be Not Afraid My People

1. Be not afraid; be not afraid, My people. I am your God who watches over

you. I do not sleep, and neither will I slumber. Sons, be not afraid of man,

be ye not afraid.

2. What can man do to those whom I love so? What can man do to those who

fear My name? I am the Lord, protecting you from danger; Though the

mountains quake and roar, be ye not afraid.

3. I will return, with Me ye shall be always. My steadfast love, shall not

depart from you. I am the God of Abraham and Jacob; Lift your heads,

redemption’s near, be ye not afraid.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




All Must Be Well

1. Through the love of Christ our Savior, all will be well. Free and changeless

is His favor, all, all is well. Precious is the blood that bought us, perfect is

the grace that freed us, Strong the hand stretched out to shield us, all must

be well.

2. Though we pass through tribulation, all will be well. Ours is such a full

salvation, all, all is well. Happy still in God confiding; fruitful, if in Christ

abiding; Holy through God’s Spirit guiding, all must be well.

3. We expect a bright tomorrow; all will be well. Faith can sing through days

of sorrow, all, all is well. On our Father’s love relying, and our ev’ry need

supplying; For in living, or in dying, all must be well.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




I Sing the Mighty Power of God

1. I sing the mighty pow’r of God, that made the mountains rise, That spread

the flowing seas abroad, and built the lofty skies. I sing the wisdom that

ordained the sun to rule the day; The moon shines full at His command, and

all the stars obey.

2. I sing the goodness of the Lord, that filled the earth with food; He formed

the creatures with His word, and then proclaimed them good. Lord, how

Thy wonders are displayed, where-e’er I turn my eye: If I survey the

ground I tread or gaze upon the sky!

3. There’s not a plant or flow’r below, but makes Thy glories known, And

clouds arise and tempests blow, by order from Thy throne; While all that

borrows life from Thee is ever in Thy care, And ev’rywhere that man can

be, Thou, God, art present there.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




In Days of Old

1. In days of old the prophets told Messiah would appear, From Jesse’s root a

Branch would grow, God’s Kingdom it would bear. A mighty King would

come and free His people from captivity, And rule the nations with a rod of

iron and of fear.

2. So no one knew until the shepherds heard the angels sing, A baby born that

autumn day was Israel’s promised king. He grew into His ministry, He

taught with great authority, And gave His life to pay the price of mankind’s


3. Was this the great Messiah then, was this the Son of Man? Instead of

Judah’s lion God had sent a humble lamb, From sin He set all people free,

from death He rose triumphantly, And then ascended into heav’n to sit at

God’s right hand.

4. Oh, come again, Lord Jesus, but this time with pow’r and might, For

darkness overwhelms the earth, now come and bring Your light, Oh, come

to us, Immanuel, oh, come and with Your people dwell, And rule the world

with equity, with love and truth and right.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Great Is Thy Faithfulness

1. Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning

with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not; As Thou

hast been Thou forever wilt be.


Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning

new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy

faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

2. Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest, Sun, moon and stars in

their courses above, Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great

faithfulness, mercy and love.


Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning

new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy

faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

3. Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thine own dear presence to cheer

and to guide; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings

all mine, with ten thousand beside!


Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning

new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy

faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




God Is Calling Children

1. God is calling children to His royal fam’ly, Sharing in His blessings, living

in His love.

2. Make Your children wiser, make Your children purer, Make us like our

Father, living in His love.

3. Help us live more simply, teach us to teach others, Help us come out of this

world, living in Your love.

4. We can live forever, helping all God’s children, Building in His Kingdom,

living in His love.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




God Our Father, Christ Our Brother

1. God of glory, God of power, Mighty and Eternal One; Is revealed to us

these last days as the Father by His Son.


God our Father! Christ our Brother! God has planned for us to be Sons

forever in His Kingdom, His eternal family.

2. Jesus, Son of God, Messiah, left His awesome heav’nly throne; Lived and

died as God and man, all human sinners to atone.


God our Father! Christ our Brother! God has planned for us to be Sons

forever in His Kingdom, His eternal family.

3. God, in love and great compassion views us all most tenderly. Shows us

mercy, gives us power, and from sin He sets us free.


God our Father! Christ our Brother! God has planned for us to be Sons

forever in His Kingdom, His eternal family.

4. With returning of Messiah, Priest with kingly diadem, God begins the final

steps to reconcile all men to Him.


God our Father! Christ our Brother! God has planned for us to be Sons

forever in His Kingdom, His eternal family.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Seek You First the Kingdom of God

1. Seek you first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness. All these

things He’ll add to you, and He will richly bless. Ask, and it shall be given;

seek, and you shall find; Knock, and it shall be opened; our God is gracious

and kind. Seek you first the Kingdom of God and all His righteousness. All

these things He’ll add to you, and He will richly bless.

2. Serve the Lord with perfect heart and with a willing mind. Listen now and

do your part; seek Him and you shall find. You, the Lord has chosen; do

the Work; be strong; Build your house for His temple; to God salvation

belongs. Serve the Lord with perfect heart and with a willing mind. Listen

now and do your part; seek Him and you shall find.

3. Seek the Lord while He may be found, and call while He is near. Turn to

Him, forsake your way, and He will surely hear. For His thoughts are not

our thoughts, nor His ways our ways. God will mercif’lly pardon and bless

us all of our days. Seek the Lord while He may be found, and call while He

is near. Turn to Him, forsake your way, and He will surely hear.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




All Glory, Laud and Honor

1. All glory, laud and honor to Thee, Redeemer, King, To whom the lips of

children make loud hosannas ring! Thou art the King of Isr’el, Thou

David’s royal Son, Who in the Lord’s name comest, the King and blessed


2. The company of angels are praising Thee on high, And mortal men and all

things created make reply. The people of the Hebrews with psalms before

Thee went; Our praise and prayer and anthems before Thee we present.

3. To Thee, before Thy passion, they sang their hymns of praise; To Thee,

now high exalted, our melody we raise. Thou didst accept their praises;

accept the praise we bring, Who in all good delightest, Thou good and

gracious King.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Go Into the World

1. Go into the world, and preach to ev’ry nation. Teach all people to obey

what He has commanded. Baptize His disciples; they shall be God’s sons,

And so He shall be with us, forever to the end.

2. Go into the world, and live by His example. You shall be a light to all, like

a sparkling city. Grow as His disciples; you shall be God’s sons, And so He

shall be with us, forever to the end.

3. Go into the world, and be a faithful witness. Strive to live by ev’ry word ‘til

we are perfected. God will give His Spirit; we shall be God’s sons, And so

He shall be with us, forever to the end.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Suffer the Children

1. Suffer the children to come unto Me. Don’t forbid them, of such is the

Kingdom of God. These are the words of our Savior and King As He lifted

them up in His arms, blessing them.


Suffer the children, permit them to come; Open your arms to your own

little ones. Suffer the children, they’re blest from above; Let not one day

pass by without showing your love.

2. Suffer the children, and teach them of God, When you sit in your home,

when you walk by the way. Teach them of judgment, of mercy and faith,

When they lie down to sleep, when they rise up each day.


Suffer the children, permit them to come; Open your arms to your own

little ones. Suffer the children, they’re blest from above; Let not one day

pass by without showing your love.

3. Suffer the children, become childlike too. Be converted, love God as the

little ones do. Humble and trusting, believing are they; Be God’s children

and heirs to His Kingdom that day.


Suffer the children, permit them to come; Open your arms to your own

little ones. Suffer the children, they’re blest from above; Let not one day

pass by without showing your love.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Creator God, the Mighty One

1. Creator God, the Might y One Gave ruling power to Christ His Son; Who

by His word the sea was stilled, And by His pow’r the sick were healed.

2. Merciful God, enthroned above, Wellspring of bountiful, endless love,

Grants us His favor to be free From just rewards for evil deeds.

3. Eternal God, who longs to save, Promises victory o’er the grave, And sets a

course for all to see How they might live eternally.

4. Almighty God, our change o’ersee. Move our vain hearts to what they

should be. And through Your love and pow’r decree Our sonship in Your


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




God So Loved the World

1. God so loved the world that He sent His only Son, That whosoever

believeth in Him will have life forevermore.

2. God so loved the world that He gave the Bread of Life, That whosoever

partakes of His Life is sustained forevermore.

3. God so loved the world that He drew us to the Vine, That whosoever

abideth in Him will bear fruit forevermore.

4. God so loved the world that He glorified His Son, That whosoever

believeth in Him will be one forevermore.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




The One Whom the Father Sends

1. All of the earth rejoice! For our Lord will give you rest. Far from the north

He will come and shine from east to west. Then shall the righteous rise, and

the clouds will roll and flee To the Mount they will come and ev’ry eye

will see That His


Kingdom shall contain none that will offend, For our Lord Messiah reigns,

the One whom the Father sends!

2. Birds on the wind come ride; let your cries around you ring Down to the

valley wide, to find the vanquished king; There did his armies fall, and his

mighty warriors cease There the world bowed down to bring God’s earth its

peace. And His


Kingdom shall contain none that will offend, For our Lord Messiah reigns,

the One whom the Father sends!

3. Then shall His people come to their land of Israel; Back from the nations’

pride, and back from where they fell Into His cov’nant law, and His Word

which makes them free Drawn by Christ the Door thru which they’ll come

to see That His


Kingdom shall contain none that will offend, For our Lord Messiah reigns,

the One whom the Father sends!

4. Nations will then come near and seek the Light alone Drawn by the waters

clear that flow beneath His throne. See what His Word has done in a land

of peace and calm So His rule will spread thru ev’ry home and farm. And



Kingdom shall contain none that will offend, For our Lord Messiah reigns,

the One whom the Father sends!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




By This Shall All Men Know

1. A new commandment I will give, to magnify the way to live; Love each

other as you do, with the love I’ve given you.


And by this shall all men know, all around the world you’ll show, That you

are My disciples, you’re My sister and My brother; And by this shall all

men know, ev’ry friend and ev’ry foe, That you are My disciples if you

love one another.

2. Not called to be lukewarm or cold, but zealous like the men of old; Do the

will of God above; grow in His eternal love.


And by this shall all men know, all around the world you’ll show, That you

are My disciples, you’re My sister and My brother; And by this shall all

men know, ev’ry friend and ev’ry foe, That you are My disciples if you

love one another.

3. I give my life for all mankind, and call you at this special time; Do the

work and feed the flock; build your house upon the Rock.


And by this shall all men know, all around the world you’ll show, That you

are My disciples, you’re My sister and My brother; And by this shall all

men know, ev’ry friend and ev’ry foe, That you are My disciples if you

love one another.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




The God of Abraham

1. The God of Abraham, sing praises to His name, Who was, and is, and is to

be, and still the same! The one eternal God, formed all that now appears.

The First, the Last; beyond all thought His timeless years!

2. His Spirit flowing free, high surging where it will; In prophet’s word He

spoke of old, He’s speaking still. Established is His law, and changeless it

shall stand. Engraved upon the human heart, on sea or land.

3. The God whom Abra’m praised still works with us today. He was, and is,

and is to be our God always. And when His Kingdom comes, with

Abraham we will sing; The praises of our God through all the earth shall


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Praise the Lord

1. Praise the Lord, our God in heaven, ruling from His throne on high;

Thunders, lightnings, sea of crystal, ever veiled from mortal eye. Angels

praising, voices raising, to the great Eternal One High enthroned in rainbow

splendor, brighter than the noonday sun.

2. Praise the Lord, our great Creator, stretching forth a mighty hand; Fiery

suns and distant planets, moving all at His command. Tempests roaring,

mountains soaring, witness to His pow’r and might; All the pomp and pride

of nations are as nothing in His sight.

3. Praise the Lord, our loving Shepherd, calling to His flock by name;

Guarding from the wolf and stranger, watching o’er the weak and lame.

Gently chiding, firmly guiding, leading thro’ the dark and cold; Bringing

sheep of every pasture to the one eternal fold.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




There Is Joy In My Heart

1. There is joy in my heart knowing Christ will come again, There is joy in

my heart knowing Christ will come again, He will rule the earth with

blessings for all men, And there’s joy, yes, there’s joy in my heart.

2. Shout the news to all nations that Christ will come again, Shout the news to

all nations that Christ will come again, All the world must know man’s

time is at an end, Shout the news, shout the news, shout the news.

3. Oh, the trumpet will call out when Christ shall come again,

Oh, the trumpet will call out when Christ shall come again,

With a glorious shout from heaven He’ll descend,

Oh, the trumpet will call when He comes.

4. Saints and angels will sing when the Christ will come again,

Saints and angels will sing when the Christ will come again,

Alleluia to our Lord Omnipotent,

Saints and angels will sing when He comes.

5. There’ll be peace in the whole world when Christ will come again,

There’ll be peace in the whole world when Christ will come again,

For a thousand years, then God shall dwell with men,

There’ll be peace in the world when He comes.

6. There is joy in my heart knowing Christ will come again,

There is joy in my heart knowing Christ will come again,

He will rule the earth with blessings for all men,

And there’s joy, yes, there’s joy in my heart.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




From the Realms of Unseen Glory

1. From the realms of unseen glory, Jesus came to earth below, To a world of

hate and anguish the Creator’s love to show. He laid down a life eternal to

assume the form of man, To a world of helpless sinners He reveal’d a

wondrous plan.

2. As a Lamb is led to slaughter, He was offer’d up to death, All our sins He

gladly carried, even to His final breath. So shall angels bring Him honor,

and in praise their voices ring, So the saints shall kneel before Him when

the earth receives its King.

3. As the splendor of the heavens when the sun shines forth in might, In the

Kingdom of our Father shall the righteous shine as bright. Everlasting are

the blessings the Creator has in store. Everlasting are the pleasures to be

ours forevermore.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer

1. We praise Thee, O God, our Redeemer, Creator; In grateful devotion our

tribute we bring. We lay it before Thee; we kneel and adore Thee; We bless

Thy holy name, glad praises we sing.

2. We worship Thee, God of our fathers, we bless Thee; Through life’s storm

and tempest our Guide hast Thou been. When perils o’ertake us, escape

Thou wilt make us, And with Thy help, O Lord, our battles we win.

3. With voices united our praises we offer; To Thee, great Eternal, glad

anthems we raise. Thy strong arm will guide us; our God is beside us; To

Thee, our great Redeemer, forever be praise.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




At One With God

1. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us all; Now our High Priest has

risen and lives. He has shown us His mercy and wonderful love; He is

faithful and just to forgive.


We rejoice with our God through our Lord, Jesus Christ; Reconciled by the

death of His Son. We are bought with a price, and we’re saved by His life;

By His grace, we’re at peace and at one.

2. We’re Christ’s holy brethren, at one with our Lord; We believe and shall

not be ashamed. And our Captain has justified, made us at one; And true

liberty can be proclaimed.


We rejoice with our God through our Lord, Jesus Christ; Reconciled by the

death of His Son. We are bought with a price, and we’re saved by His life;

By His grace, we’re at peace and at one.

3. Christ entered the holy place once for our sins; He has opened a new, living

way. To the Holy of Holies, God’s heavenly throne, We can now come

before Him each day.


We rejoice with our God through our Lord, Jesus Christ; Reconciled by the

death of His Son. We are bought with a price, and we’re saved by His life;

By His grace, we’re at peace and at one.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




For I am Called By Your Name

1. Oh Lord, I ask, remember me That I may walk in conscience free. Your

way its wisdom does impart. Your words put joy in to my heart.


For I am called by Your name; Oh Lord, God of hosts, I am called by Your


2. At times beset by troubles drear, I want my Shepherd’s voice to hear.

Redeem me from the darkest grip Of Satan’s wrath and lying lip.


For I am called by Your name; Oh Lord, God of hosts, I am called by Your


3. When days are filled with woe and strife, Keep vision clear. Eternal life

Lies just ahead where no man can Remove me from Your loving hand.


For I am called by Your name; Oh Lord, God of hosts, I am called by Your


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




All Things Work Together

1. Joseph, son of Isr’el, was by his brothers sold; Caused by jealous envy of

what his dreams foretold. Then, far from home in servitude and into

prison’s dread, Through it all young Joseph was by his Creator led.


All things work together, all things work for good; To God’s loving

children called according to His Word.

2. Jesus’ own disciple betrayed his Master’s love; Thirty coins of silver did

buy Messiah’s blood. A night and day of torment, a death too hard to know;

Seemed as though all hope was gone until the stone was rolled.


All things work together, all things work for good; To God’s loving

children called according to His Word.

3. In this life there’s sorrow and all too often pain, But these things shall fade

away as we begin to reign. One hundredfold He gives us for things we give

for Him; His great joy and family and life that never ends.


All things work together, all things work for good; To God’s loving

children called according to His Word.

4. Joseph, we remember, was Egypt’s greatest one; Jesus, firstborn Son of

God, is by His Father’s throne. Now, none of life’s displeasures should

ever be compared To the endless glory God has for us to share.


All things work together, all things work for good; To God’s loving

children called according to His Word.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Rejoice, Be At One

1. I will proclaim that holy time When all God’s servants shall rejoice! I will

declare that future day When mankind’s foe will be led away!


At one with God, at one with God! Rejoice! Rejoice, be at one with God!

2. God will reveal the wicked one And chain him for a thousand years. God

will bring forth His glorious rest, And all the world will know peace at last!


At one with God, at one with God! Rejoice! Rejoice, be at one with God!

3. We only see it dimly now, But from God’s Word we learn His plan. No

more deception, no more fear! God speed that day for ev’ry man!


At one with God, at one with God! Rejoice! Rejoice, be at one with God!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




God Will See Us Through

1. We all know doubts and fears, life is full of toil and tears, Still we’re told,

have no cares, God will see us through, See the birds on the wing, see the

lilies blossoming, God loves all living things, God will see us through.

2. Age of man shall grow old, love of many shall wax cold, Ever fast we shall

hold, God will see us through, Earth shall grow dark and drear, Jacob’s

trouble shall appear, To the end, through the years, God will see us


3. Till Christ comes, we’ll endure, living God’s way true and pure, Day by

day, come what may, God will see us through, Earth may shake, stars may

fall, we will stand right through it all Till the last trumpet call, God will see

us through.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Thank You, Lord

1. Thank you, Lord, for Your blessings, for Your Spirit and love; Thank you

for Your word of truth, and the calling from above. Help us seek first Your

Kingdom, Your righteousness and peace; Give us vision, faith and

endurance, our trust in You increase.

2. Thank you, Lord, for Your mercy and for grace ev’ry day; Thank you for

Your sacrifice, all our sins to wash away. Give us daily repentance, and

cleanse us from our sin; Please restore the joy of salvation, Your peace and

love within.

3. Thank you, Lord, for the comfort that You grant in our need; May we give

it back again to others as You lead. Fill our hearts with compassion,

forgiveness and concern; Give us healing faith in Your Spirit, help us Your

way to learn.

4. Thank you, Lord, for our brethren, loving truth and Your Word; Thank you

for the fellowship, and the Shepherd’s voice we’ve heard. Let your mind be

within us, a servant’s heart instill; Make us one with You and each other,

Your purpose to fulfill.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




The Church’s One Foundation

1. The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord; She is His new

creation by water and the Word; From heav’n He came and sought her to

be His holy bride; With His own blood He bought her, and for her life He


2. Elect from ev’ry nation, yet one o’er all the earth, Her charter of salvation,

one Lord, one faith, one birth; His saints their watch are keeping; their cry

goes up, “How long?” And soon the night of weeping shall be the morn of


3. ‘Mid toil and tribulation, and tumults of her war, She waits the

consummation of peace forevermore; Till with the vision glorious her

longing eyes are blest, And God’s true Church victorious shall be the

Church at rest.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Fight the Good Fight

1. Fight the good fight, brethren; be strong in the Lord. Put on the Lord’s

whole armor and fight against the foe. We struggle not with flesh and

blood, but with the evil realm. So take up all your weapons and stand firm

to the end.

2. Fight the good fight, brethren; do all you can to stand. The weapons of our

warfare are from God’s mighty hand. Stand therefore with the belt of truth

secured around your waist. And righteousness your breastplate fixed firmly

in its place.

3. Fight the good fight, brethren; you soldiers of the Word. Gird on your

sword for battle, the very Word of God. The gospel of His peace will hold

you steadfast on your way, And with salvation’s helmet protect your

thoughts each day.

4. Win the war then, brethren; be strengthened in His might. Put on the Lord’s

whole armor; against the foe we fight. Above all take the shield of faith to

quench the fiery darts, With pray’r and supplication abounding in your


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




One Faith, One Love

1. Throughout the earth, our Father, we revere Thee. Led by Thy Son,

together we stand true. One faith, one love, Thy Spirit binds us firmly As

sons and daughters blessed in Thy view. From many lands we raise our

eyes toward Thee, Our voices joined as one great family.

2. Our many lives are woven, fitly blended As tapestry created by Thy hand.

Within each thread, Thy glory is extended, With ev’ry color, quality and

strand. Upon Thy loom, our diff’rences become one: A pleasing tribute to

Thee and Thy Son.

3. From many nations of the earth do we hail. With many tongues we form

our praise to Thee. Across the seas, from mountain, isle and deep vale, Thy

sons and daughters in one love agree. And as we strengthen one another in

Thee, Thy Spirit binds in perfect harmony.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Have One Mind

1. Have one mind, be of one accord; be steadfast, serve unselfishly; Joined

together, standing fast, to share God’s grace with humility. Do all things

without complaining; your good works come from above. Christ will

comfort and console you with His fellowship and love.

2. Ev’ry knee should bow before Him; ev’ry tongue His praises make. We are

called to a great salvation and if need suffer for His sake. All who worship

Christ in spirit have no confidence in man. Righteousness through faith is

blameless; walk according to God’s plan.

3. Have one love, be one in spirit, knowing that our God is near. Draw to Him

with supplications and rejoice for He will hear. Let His peace then guard

your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ our Lord. We will be

transformed to glory. Have one mind, be of one accord.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Rejoice, the Lord Is King!

1. Rejoice, the Lord is King; your Lord and King adore! Rejoice, give thanks

and sing, and triumph evermore;


Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!

2. Jesus, the Savior, reigns, the God of truth and love; When He had purged

our sins, He took His seat above;


Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!

3. His Kingdom cannot fail, He rules o’er earth and heav’n; The keys of death

and hell are to our Jesus giv’n;


Lift up your heart, lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say, rejoice!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Moses’ New Song

1. The Lord our God was Israel’s strength and saved them that great day, He

brought their foes into the sea, then washed them all away. With mighty

hand and awesome pow’r our God had overthrown All Israel’s foes, as

stubble burned, or sunken like a stone. Israel sang unto the Lord for God

had triumphed gloriously, All the horses and their riders He had thrown

into the sea.

2. There’s no one like our glorious God in wondrous holiness, With mercy

and with tender care He saves those who are His. But fear consumes the

hearts of those outside God’s free reprieve, Who know He is, and see His

works but never do believe. We now sing unto the Lord for He has

triumphed gloriously, Fear and doubt and blind confusion He removed to

set us free.

3. In God’s great plan and in His time there’s hope for ev’ryone, He’ll bring

the day when Christ will reign and unbelief is gone. Man’s mounted foes of

faithless fear and godless enmity Like horse and rider, long ago, He’ll bury

in the sea. We will sing unto the Lord for He will triumph gloriously, He’ll

install a godly kingdom built to last eternally.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Onward, Christian Soldiers!

1. Onward, Christian soldiers! Marching as to war; With the word of Jesus,

going on before; Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe; Forward

into battle, see His banners go!


Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war; With the word of Jesus,

going on before.

2. Like a mighty army, moves the Church of God; Brothers, we are treading,

where the saints have trod; We are not divided, all one body we; One in

hope and doctrine; one in charity.


Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war; With the word of Jesus,

going on before.

3. Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise and wane; But the Church

of Jesus constant will remain; Gates of hell can never ‘gainst that Church

prevail; We have Christ’s own promise, which can never fail.


Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war; With the word of Jesus,

going on before.

4. Onward, then, ye people! Join our happy throng; Blend with ours your

voices, in the triumph song; Glory, laud and honor, unto Christ the King;

This through countless ages, men and angels sing.


Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war; With the word of Jesus,

going on before.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Forgive and You Shall Be Forgiven

1. How great is the love of our Father, who calls us His dear sons! When

Christ comes again, we shall be like Him, we’ll see Him as He is. And this

is the love He has shown us, that Christ laid down His life for all, So we

ought to lay down our lives for our brothers, to this end you are called.


Forgive and you shall be forgiven; Show mercy and this you will have too.

Do good to all, even your enemies. Be merciful to others as your Father is

to you.

2. When bringing your gift to the altar, you think of an offense; You go and

become one with your brother, then bring your gift again. And should

someone sin against you, go see him, you and he alone; Be kind, have

compassion, let go of your anger and be at peace again.


Forgive and you shall be forgiven; Show mercy and this you will have too.

Do good to all, even your enemies. Be merciful to others as your Father is

to you.

3. To all our example of living should be a shining light. Be willingly under

authority, give due respect to all. And if you endure pain and suff’ring from

unjust cause or oversight, Then stand strong and live Christ’s example

before us; trust Him who judges all.


Forgive and you shall be forgiven; Show mercy and this you will have too.

Do good to all, even your enemies. Be merciful to others as your Father is

to you.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Covenant People

1. I will put My law into their minds, And I will write My living law upon

their hearts. I will be to them a loving God. And they shall be to Me a


2. They shall teach no more each man his friend, By saying, “Know the

Lord,” for they shall all know Me, Even from the least unto the great. And I

will then forgive iniquity.

3. I’ll be merciful unto their sins, And their unrighteousness I will remember

not. This shall be the covenant I’ll make With Judah and the House of


4. I will put My law into their minds, And I will write My living law upon

their hearts. I will be to them a loving God, And they shall be to Me a


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




For the Beauty of the Earth

1. For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, For the love which

from our birth over and around us lies;


Lord of all, to Thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.

2. For the beauty of each hour of the day and of the night, Hill and vale, and

tree and flow’r, sun and moon, and stars of light;


Lord of all, to Thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.

3. For the joy of human love, brother, sister, parent, child, Friends on earth

and Thee above, for all gentle thoughts and mild;


Lord of all, to Thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.

4. For each perfect gift of Thine to our race so freely giv’n; Graces, human

and divine, flow’rs of earth and buds of heav’n;


Lord of all, to Thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.

5. For Thy Church that evermore lifteth holy hands above, Off’ring up on

ev’ry shore her pure sacrifice of love;


Lord of all, to Thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Be You Holy

1. Be you holy, for I am holy. Know I’ve not redeemed you with silver and

gold. But with the precious blood of My Son, The One slain before earth’s

foundations were formed.

2. Be you holy, for I am holy. Live My royal law, and My Spirit renew. You

are the chosen temple of God. Let My Holy Spirit dwell richly in you.

3. Be forgiving and tenderhearted. Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with

Me. You’re My beloved. You are My sons. Be holy and blameless ‘til My

Kingdom comes.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




God Be With You

1. God be with you till we meet again; By His counsels guide, uphold you,

With His shepherd’s care enfold you; God be with you till we meet again.

2. God be with you till we meet again; ‘Neath His wings of shelter, hide you,

Daily bread He will provide you; God be with you till we meet again.

3. God be with you till we meet again; If a trial should confound you, God

will put His arms around you; God be with you till we meet again.

4. God be with you till we meet again; May His love be ever o’er you, Strike

death’s threat’ning wave before you; God be with you till we meet again.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




United We Stand

1. United we stand, hearts that are grateful; to God be the glory and to His

Son. Myst’ry of ages revealed in the pages Of God’s holy Word, inspired

of love.


United we pray let us always remember To honor these days which are

holy time. United in spirit we worship together With purpose and oneness

of mind. United we stand, faithful and true to the One who is Lord Most


2. United we stand, fathers and sons who believe in the holy laws of God.

Chosen and called to love His commandments, We lead by example as

Christ has shown.


United we pray let us always remember To honor these days which are

holy time. United in spirit we worship together With purpose and oneness

of mind. United we stand, faithful and true to the One who is Lord Most


3. United we stand, mothers and daughters who nurture the hearts of the

family. Chosen and called to love His commandments, Like Deb’rah and

Ruth let us strive to be.


United we pray let us always remember To honor these days which are

holy time. United in spirit we worship together With purpose and oneness

of mind. United we stand, faithful and true to the One who is Lord Most


Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




God’s Message

1. We all have one foundation: the prophets and the law. And varied gifts we

offer to Christ the Lord of all. God sent us all His message, He sent it from

above, That Jesus gave His life for us so all could know God’s love.

2. We now are called to serve Him, the purpose that He came, To give us life

eternal, to praise His holy name. We’ll touch the lives of others with God’s

inspiring grace; And all mankind and nations will know God’s warm


3. O let us join together! O let the song be heard! O let us all be messengers

for God’s redeeming Word. O let us hear His message, He sent it from

above, That Jesus gave His life for us so all could know God’s love.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




O God of Every Nation

1. O God of ev’ry nation, of ev’ry race and land, Redeem the whole creation

with Your almighty hand; Where hate and fear divide us and bitter threats

are hurled, In love and mercy guide us and heal our strifetorn world.

2. From search for wealth and power and scorn of truth and right, From trust

in bombs that shower destruction through the night, From pride of race and

station and blindness to Your way, Deliver ev’ry nation, Eternal God, we


3. Lord, strengthen those who labor that all may find release From fear of

rattling saber, from dread of war’s increase; When hope and courage falter,

Lord let Your voice be heard; With faith that none can alter, Your servants


4. Keep bright in us the vision of days when war shall cease, When hatred and

division give way to love and peace, ‘Til dawns the morning glorious when

peace on earth shall reign, And Christ shall rule victorious o’er all the

world’s domain.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Lamb of God

1. “I’m the Alpha, Omega, beginning and end,” Says our Savior, the Lord

Jesus Christ. Blessed is he who will read and attend these words, Written in

the great Book of Life. Grace and peace to you from the One who was, And

who is, and yet is to come. Faithful witness, firstborn from the dead, Jesus

Christ the Lamb of God.

2. Seven churches among golden candlesticks And to all, see you heed what I

say. For if you overcome and endure all things, Upon you will I write My

name. I am He who died and arose from the grave, But behold I live

evermore. Faithful witness, firstborn from the dead, Jesus Christ the Lamb

of God.

3. Such a myst’ry concerning this plan that We made, Set before the

foundation of earth. But to you it’s revealed; you may understand, This

great pearl renowned for its worth. Grace and peace to you from the One

who was, And who is and yet is to come. Faithful witness, firstborn from

the dead, Jesus Christ the Lamb of God.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

1. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; He is trampling

out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored; He hath loosed the

fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword; His truth is marching on.


Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory!

Hallelujah! His truth is marching on.

2. He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never sound retreat; He is

sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat; O be swift my soul,

to answer Him, be jubilant my feet! Our God is marching on.


Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory!

Hallelujah! Our God is marching on.

3. In the beauty of the autumn Christ was born across the sea, With a glory in

His bosom that transfigures you and me; As He lives to make men holy, let

us live to make men free! While God is marching on.


Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! Glory! Glory!

Hallelujah! While God is marching on.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Worthy of Worship

1. Worthy of worship, worthy of praise, Worthy of honor and glory; Worthy

of all the glad songs we can sing, Worthy of all of the off’rings we bring.


You are worthy, Father, Creator. You are worthy, Savior, Sustainer. You

are worthy, worthy and wonderful, Worthy of worship and praise.

2. Worthy of rev’rence, worthy of fear, Worthy of love and devotion; Worthy

of bowing and bending of knees, Worthy of all this and added to these.


You are worthy, Father, Creator. You are worthy, Savior, Sustainer. You

are worthy, worthy and wonderful, Worthy of worship and praise.

3. Almighty Father, Master and Lord, King of all kings and Redeemer,

Wonderful Counselor, Comforter, Friend, Savior and Source of our life

without end.


You are worthy, Father, Creator. You are worthy, Savior, Sustainer. You

are worthy, worthy and wonderful, Worthy of worship and praise.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Hymn of Unity

1. How good and how pleasant when brethren dwell together In unity sharing

the love of God forever; As oil to flow from head to toe down Aaron’s

beard and robe, And as the dew on holy hills, the Lord’s blessing evermore

shall show.

2. Though many the members to each the Spirit giveth The gifts for each

function so that the body liveth, For eye, or ear, or hand, ‘tis clearly nothing

of its own, But with the Lord as head the members do what each cannot do


3. The Lord shall be seeking His bride when He returneth, His wife in white

linen, the Church for whom He yearneth; As we await the wedding great so

let us strive to be Jerusalem bedecked with gems of truth, love and light for

all to see!

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




Crown Him With Many Crowns

1. Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon His throne. Hark! How the

heav’nly anthem drowns all music but its own! Awake, my soul, and sing

of Him who died for thee, And hail Him as thy matchless King through all


2. Crown Him the Lord of life; who triumphed o’er the grave; Who rose

victorious to the strife for those He came to save. His glories now we sing,

who died and rose on high, Who died, eternal life to bring, and lives that

death may die.

3. Crown Him the Lord of Lords, to Him our voices raise. Crown Him the

Lord of peace and love, who over all doth reign. To Thee be endless praise,

for Thou for us hast died; Be Thou, O Lord, through endless days adored

and magnified.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




City of God

1. Oh, a new Jerusalem’s coming from heaven; It’s coming from God down

unto a new earth. God will be there; He will dwell with His people. All of

God’s people will have a rebirth.


Christ is the Alpha and the Omega. He sent His message, He gave us His

Word; Blessed are all those who do His commandments For they may enter

the city of God.

2. There will be no need of the sun nor the moon for The glory of God will be

giving us light. Nations will come bringing honor and glory. God’s healing

water will make all things right.


Christ is the Alpha and the Omega. He sent His message, He gave us His

Word; Blessed are all those who do His commandments For they may enter

the city of God.

3. There will be no death, no more sorrow nor crying For we know God’s

promise is faithful and true. God’s throne will be in the midst of the city.

God will be there, ever living with you.


Christ is the Alpha and the Omega. He sent His message, He gave us His

Word; Blessed are all those who do His commandments For they may enter

the city of God.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association




It Won’t Be Long Now

1. It won’t be long now till the world is at peace, Till troubles have ceased, it

won’t be long. It won’t be long now till the beauty we see For the whole

world will be, it won’t be long.


The lamb will peacefully dwell with the lion, The leopard will lie down

with the kid. The wolf and the bear will no longer be wild, Little child, it

won’t be long now.

2. It won’t be long now till all people join hands From many a land, it won’t

be long. It won’t be long now till the children will smile and will laugh all

the while, it won’t be long.


The lamb will peacefully dwell with the lion, The leopard will lie down

with the kid. The wolf and the bear will no longer be wild, Little child, it

won’t be long now.

Hymnal Lyrics

United Church of God, an International Association


When Christ Shall Come

1. When Christ shall come, all heav’n shall join the song, Salvation, glory,

pow’r to God belong. Hallelujah, the Lord Almighty reigns; Hallelujah, the

Christ has come again.

2. The wedding of the Lamb shall come at last, And blest are they whom God

calls to the Feast. Prepare the bride in linen white and clean To meet her

Lord, when Christ shall come again.

3. From out of heav’n an angel shall come down, And by His hand all evil

shall be bound. The cause of sin and death shall be made plain For all to

know, when Christ shall come again.

4. When time is done, the dead shall rise again; They shall be judged before

the great white throne, And God Himself at last shall dwell with men

Forevermore, when Christ has come again.




United Church of God, an International Association

A Chosen Generation .............................................................................................. 108

All Things Bright & Beautiful ................................................................................ 110

All Hail the Power .................................................................................................. 140

All Must Be Well .................................................................................................... 144

All Glory, Laud and Honor ..................................................................................... 151

All Things Work Together ...................................................................................... 165

Ambassadors For Christ .......................................................................................... 105

Arise and Sing His Praise ......................................................................................... 93

As For Me & My House ......................................................................................... 116

As the Deer ............................................................................................................. 121

At One With God .................................................................................................... 163

Be Now My Vision ................................................................................................. 139

Be at Rest Child of God .......................................................................................... 142

Be Not Afraid My People ....................................................................................... 143

Be You Holy ........................................................................................................... 179

Behold, The Day Will Come .................................................................................... 97

Bless the Lord Eternal, O My Soul ........................................................................... 63

Blessed Is the Nation God Is For .............................................................................. 21

Blest and Happy Is the Man ........................................................................................ 1

Blest and Happy is He .............................................................................................. 77

But As for Me. I'll Call On God ............................................................................... 33

By the Waters of Babylon ......................................................................................... 80

By This Shall All Men Know ................................................................................. 157

Christ Shall have Dominion ...................................................................................... 92

City of God ............................................................................................................. 189

Come See the Works of God .................................................................................... 28

Come Before His Presence ....................................................................................... 59

Come, Ye Thankful People, Come ......................................................................... 113

Consider the Lilies .................................................................................................... 99

Covenant People ..................................................................................................... 177

Creator God, the Mighty One ................................................................................. 154

Crown Him With Many Crowns ............................................................................. 188

Declare His Works to All Nations! ............................................................................. 9

Everybody Worship ................................................................................................ 115

Fight the Good Fight ............................................................................................... 170

For Even From My Youth, O God ............................................................................ 38

For I am Called By Your Name .............................................................................. 164

For the Beauty of the Earth ..................................................................................... 178

Forgive and You Shall Be Forgiven ....................................................................... 176


United Church of God, an International Association

From All Who Dwell Below the Skies ..................................................................... 95

From the Realms of Unseen Glory ......................................................................... 161

Give Ear Unto My Words, O Lord ............................................................................. 4

Give Thanks and Offer Praise ................................................................................... 30

Give Ear Unto My Prayer, O God ............................................................................ 34

Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken ..................................................................... 128

Glory to Thy Name ................................................................................................. 134

Go Ye Therefore Into All the World ...................................................................... 101

Go Into the World ................................................................................................... 152

God Is Our Refuge .................................................................................................... 27

God Is My Rock, My Salvation ................................................................................ 35

God Speaks to Us .................................................................................................... 102

God of Grace and God of Glory ............................................................................. 125

God Is Calling Children .......................................................................................... 148

God Our Father, Christ Our Brother ....................................................................... 149

God So Loved the World ........................................................................................ 155

God Will See Us Through ...................................................................................... 167

God Be With You ................................................................................................... 180

God's Message ........................................................................................................ 182

Great Is the Lord ..................................................................................................... 122

Great God Who Made the Universe ....................................................................... 135

Great Is Thy Faithfulness ........................................................................................ 147

Hallelujah! Praise God! ............................................................................................ 84

Have One Mind ....................................................................................................... 172

He Shall Reign Forevermore! ................................................................................... 60

Hearts of the Fathers ................................................................................................. 98

His Name is Great! ................................................................................................... 39

His Mercy Never Fails .............................................................................................. 79

Holy, Mighty Majesty! ............................................................................................. 57

How Excellent Is Thy Name! ..................................................................................... 6

How Excellent In All the Earth ................................................................................... 7

How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings .............................................................................. 45

How Long, Eternal, Hide Thou Away? .................................................................... 46

How Good It Is to Thank the Lord ........................................................................... 49

How Shall the Young Direct Their Way .................................................................. 71

How I Love Thy Law, O Lord .................................................................................. 73

How Great Thou Art ............................................................................................... 129

How Good and How Pleasant ................................................................................. 132

Hymn of Unity ........................................................................................................ 187


United Church of God, an International Association

I Will Praise Thee, O Eternal! .................................................................................... 8

I Will Bless the Lord At All Times ........................................................................... 22

I Hate the Thoughts of Vanity .................................................................................. 74

I Will Sing Unto the Eternal ..................................................................................... 88

I Sing the Mighty Power of God ............................................................................. 145

If I Have Not Charity .............................................................................................. 106

In Thy Lovingkindness, Lord ................................................................................... 31

In Days of Old ......................................................................................................... 146

It is Good to Sing Thy Praises .................................................................................. 51

It Won't Be Long Now ............................................................................................ 190

Joyfully Sing and Praise God! .................................................................................. 36

Keep God's Sabbath Holy ....................................................................................... 111

Lamb of God ........................................................................................................... 184

Let All Things Now Living .................................................................................... 136

Lord, I Will Praise Thee! .......................................................................................... 81

Lord, Teach Me That I May Know ........................................................................... 82

Love The Lord Your God ......................................................................................... 89

May Your Blessing Be Upon Us ............................................................................ 114

Men and Children Everywhere ............................................................................... 126

Mine Eyes Upon the Lord (Continually Are Set) ..................................................... 19

Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory ............................................................................. 185

Moses' New Song ................................................................................................... 174

Most Perfect is the Law of God ................................................................................ 12

Mount Zion Stands Most Beautiful .......................................................................... 29

My Shepherd Will Supply My Need ........................................................................ 16

Not Many Wise Men Now Are Called ................................................................... 103

Now Thank We All Our God .................................................................................. 117

O God, We Have Heard ............................................................................................ 26

O God, Forsake Me Not ............................................................................................ 37

O Thou the Shepherd of Israel Art ............................................................................ 40

O Lord of Hosts, My King, My God! ....................................................................... 44

O God, Our Help in Ages Past .................................................................................. 48

O Come and Let Us Worship Him ............................................................................ 52

O Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord ............................................................................. 53

O Sing a New Song to the Lord ................................................................................ 55

O My Soul, Bless God the Father ............................................................................. 61

O Give Thanks and Praise the Eternal! ..................................................................... 64

O Praise The Lord, For He is Good .......................................................................... 65

O That Men Would Praise Their God! ..................................................................... 66


United Church of God, an International Association

O Give Thanks Unto Our God .................................................................................. 70

O How Love I Thy Law! .......................................................................................... 72

O Lord, Thou Art My God and King! ...................................................................... 83

O Sing Ye Hallelujah! ............................................................................................... 85

O Worship the King ................................................................................................ 131

O God of Every Nation ........................................................................................... 183

On the Sabbath Day ................................................................................................ 112

One Faith, One Love ............................................................................................... 171

Onward, Christian Soldiers! ................................................................................... 175

Our God Is Good and Upright .................................................................................. 18

Our Thanks, O God, for Parents ............................................................................. 124

Praise the Eternal With A Psalm! ............................................................................. 42

Praise Belongs to God ............................................................................................... 68

Praise the Lord on High ............................................................................................ 69

Praise God's Name! ................................................................................................... 78

Praise the Lord, Sing Praise! ..................................................................................... 86

Praise Ye the Lord! ................................................................................................... 87

Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty ........................................................................... 138

Praise the Lord ........................................................................................................ 159

Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven ..................................................................... 137

Psalm 1 ........................................................................................................................ 2

Rejoice, Be At One ................................................................................................. 166

Rejoice, the Lord Is King! ...................................................................................... 173

Righteous Judge ........................................................................................................ 25

Sabbath Song ............................................................................................................ 50

Save Me, O God, By Thy Great Name ..................................................................... 32

Search Me, O God .................................................................................................. 118

Seek Ye First ........................................................................................................... 100

Seek You First the Kingdom of God ...................................................................... 150

Sing Songs of Praise to Him! .................................................................................... 43

Sing Praises and Rejoice! ......................................................................................... 56

Sing to the Lord With Cheerful Voice ...................................................................... 58

Stand Up and Bless the Lord .................................................................................... 91

Suffer the Children .................................................................................................. 153

Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord ................................................................................... 119

Thank You, Lord ..................................................................................................... 168

The Heavens God's Glory Do Declare ...................................................................... 11

The Lord's My Shepherd (Crimond) ......................................................................... 13

The Lord is My Shepherd (Montgomery) ................................................................. 14


United Church of God, an International Association

The Lord's My Shepherd (Havergal) ........................................................................ 15

The Lord Eternal Reigns! ......................................................................................... 54

The Lord God Reigns! .............................................................................................. 94

The Mountain of the Lord ......................................................................................... 96

The Trumpet Shall Sound ....................................................................................... 104

The New Jerusalem ................................................................................................ 109

The Prophet Has Written ........................................................................................ 141

The One Whom the Father Sends ........................................................................... 156

The God of Abraham .............................................................................................. 158

The Church's One Foundation ................................................................................ 169

Thee Will I Love, O Lord ......................................................................................... 90

There Is Joy In My Heart ........................................................................................ 160

They Are Blest Who Are Forgiven ........................................................................... 20

Think on These Things ........................................................................................... 107

Thou Shepherd That Dost Israel Keep ...................................................................... 41

To Thee I Lift My Soul ............................................................................................. 17

To God Be the Glory .............................................................................................. 130

Trust in God and Stand in Awe .................................................................................. 3

Turn Thou From Evil ................................................................................................ 23

Turn, O God, and Save Me ......................................................................................... 5

United We Stand ..................................................................................................... 181

Unless the Lord Shall Build the House ..................................................................... 76

Unto the Hills I Lift My Eyes ................................................................................... 75

Wait and Hope and Look For God ............................................................................ 24

Wake, My Heart ...................................................................................................... 123

We Give Thanks to Our Redeemer ........................................................................... 62

We Hope in Your Mercy ........................................................................................ 120

We Will Glorify ...................................................................................................... 127

We Are God's People .............................................................................................. 133

We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer ................................................................. 162

When Israel Out of Egypt Went ............................................................................... 67

When Christ Shall Come ........................................................................................ 191

Who Shall Dwell On Thy Holy Hill? ....................................................................... 10

Worthy of Worship ................................................................................................. 186

Zion, Founded on the Mountains .............................................................................. 47